Giant needle
From TheKolWiki
This is the needle from a giant record player. Like most of the things in this castle, it's very large. Unlike most of the things in this castle, however, it's also wicked sharp. (In-game plural: giant needles) |
Obtained From
You do a little remixing with your giant needle, scratching <it> for X damage. BAM! KERBLAM! BONK!
You drop that beat like a bad habit and scratch <it> for X damage. WHAMMO! SOCKO! BONK!
You needle <it> for X damage. Did you really need to? BAM! SMACK! ZOT!
You've seen the needle use the man, so you use the needle to poke <it> for X damage. POW! KERBLAM! BAM!
You poke <it> with the giant needle, creating some warm-sounding, analog pain. You do X damage. BOOF! ZOT! BOOF!
- Was once needed for Giant castle map quest, which unlocked the The Hole in the Sky.
- The attack message, "You've seen the needle use the man, so you use the needle to poke it for X damage" quite possibly refers to the Megadeth song, "Use The Man", which contains the lyrics "I've seen the man use the needle / I've seen the needle use the man".
See Also
"619" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.