giant moxie weed
This is a huge Moxie weed. It's not wee, it's not not-so-wee, it's friggin' HUGE!
Type: spleen item (decent) Toxicity: 1 Level required: 2 Selling Price: 125 Meat. (In-game plural: giant moxie weeds) | |
Obtained From
- The Barrel full of Barrels
- The Daily Dungeon
- Second Chest (sometimes)
- Menagerie Level 2
- Carnivorous Moxie Weed (2)
- Familiars
- Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- The Daily Dungeon
- Room 6: Treasure! (sometimes)
When Used
You scarf down the giant Moxie weed.
(You gain 1 Spleen.)
- The description text (wee, not-so-wee, friggin' huge) is based on Mike Myers in the "All Things Scottish" sketch from the television show Saturday Night Live. See external link for details.
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