Giant marshmallow

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giant marshmallow
giant marshmallow

This is a huge, white marshmallow. It's not the softest marshmallow ever, but it's still guaranteed to put you in a sugar coma.

If you have a dream that you're eating a pillow, you'll probably wake up and find that this is gone.

Type: food (decent)
Size: 4
Level required: 3
Selling Price: 30 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: giant marshmallows)
View metadata
Item number: 4673
Description ID: 498535509
View in-game: view

Obtained from

Infernal Rackets Backstage
Primo Donno
Chez Snootée (sometimes) (90 Meat)

When Consumed

You eat the giant marshmallow, pretending you're a midget eating a regular-sized marshmallow. Whether you continue pretending to be a midget afterward is up to you. If you really are a midget, um, sorry for making fun.
AdventuresYou gain 7-9? Adventures.
You gain 10-20? Strengthliness.
(You gain 4 Fullness.)


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