Ghostly ectoplasm

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ghostly ectoplasm
ghostly ectoplasm

What you have here is basically a blob of distilled ghost. It looks and tastes like unflavored jello.

(Cooking ingredient)
(Cocktailcrafting ingredient)
Type: food (crappy)
Size: 1
Selling Price: 44 Meat.
Effect: Haunted Stomach (3 Adventures)+50% Meat from Monsters
+25% Item Drops from Monsters

(In-game plural: wads of ghostly ectoplasm)
View metadata
Item number: 10010
Description ID: 740023120
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

"I Voted!" sticker
angry ghost (3)

When Consumed

You eat the wad of ghostly ectoplasm, and make a sound halfway between "boo" and "bleah".
AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.
Stomach.gifYou acquire an effect: Haunted Stomach
(duration: 3 Adventures)
(You gain 1 Fullness.)



Ingredient Haunted product Notes
orange haunted orange 1-2 advs
size 1
Haunted Stomach (20 advs)
plain pizza haunted pizza 4-6 advs
size 2
Haunted Stomach (20 advs)
cherry pie haunted cherry pie 9-13 advs
size 3
Haunted Stomach (20 advs)
Hell ramen haunted Hell ramen 13-16 advs
size 4
Haunted Stomach (20 advs)
bottle of vodka haunted bottle of vodka 3-5 advs
size 3
Haunted Liver (20 advs)
martini haunted martini 8-10 advs
size 3
Haunted Liver (20 advs)
eggnog haunted eggnog 9-11 advs
size 3
Haunted Liver (20 advs)
gimlet haunted gimlet 16-20 advs
size 4
Haunted Liver (20 advs)
haunted orange + haunted bottle of vodka twice-haunted screwdriver 10-12 advs
size 2
Haunted Liver (40 advs)


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