Genie's scimitar

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genie's scimitar
genie's scimitar

You might be wondering why a genie, who has power over space, time, and matter, would need a sword. The answer is: he doesn't. Swords are just badass.

Type: weapon (1-handed sword)
Damage: 10 - 20
Muscle Required: 10
Outfit: Genie Garments
  (4 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Muscle +5
Weapon Damage +5

(In-game plural: genie's scimitars)
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Item number: 9720
Description ID: 681496794
View in-game: view

Obtained From

VIP Lounge
Madame Zatara’s Relationship Fortune Teller (other player, incompatible romantic consultation)


Slash.gif genie's turbane | genie's scimitar | genie's pants | genie's bracers


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