Gender Bender
From TheKolWiki
Trophy Number: 34
Image Filename: ladies_and_gentlemen.gif
This trophy is earned by undergoing 30 sex changes in The Sleazy Back Alley.
You're entitled to the "Gender Bender" Trophy, for having undergone 30 sex changes. |
- The sex changes do not need to be in the same run. They are counted through ascensions.
- You can usually only change your gender once per day, but if you change gender and then ascend, you can change your gender one more time that day; so it can take less than 30 days.
- In addition to the 10,000 Meat installation fee for this trophy, 30 sex changes (500 Meat each) will cost you a total of 15,000 Meat -- making the grand total cost to acquire this trophy 25,000 Meat.
- Crystalline (#97113) received this trophy without having to complete the in-game requirements. It was conferred upon her account by Jick himself at the St. Louis meet.
- Lowering Combat Frequency helps with spending less adventures on this trophy, because Under the Knife is a regular noncombat, and the other Sleazy Back Alley noncombats can be either directly skipped or escaped from via free runaways in the combat choice. With a combat modifier of -25%, if you keep rejecting Harold's Hammer Quest, you can usually find the clinic within 20 turns - with free runaways from a Pair of Stomping Boots/Frumious Bandersnatch, make that 1 turn per day.
- The term "gender bender" is an informal term used to refer to a person who actively transgresses, or "bends," expected gender roles; this trophy takes the phrase literally.
- The symbol on the trophy is a combination of the usual gender symbols for males and females.