gallon of milk
It's the Gallon of Milk challenge! Drink an entire gallon of whole milk in one sitting, and record it! Go for it! It'll be fun! What's the worst that could happen?
For the love of god don't do this.
Type: food (awesome) Size: 15 Selling Price: 15 Meat. Effect: Feeling Queasy (100 Adventures)-10% Item Drops from Monsters -20% Meat from Monsters -30% Combat Initiative (In-game plural: gallons of milk) | |
Obtained From
- Inventory
- Internet Meme Shop (100 BACON)
- Stores
- Chez Snootée (sometimes) (45 Meat)
When Consumed
You drink an entire gallon of milk. Think about that. Think about holding a gallon jug of milk in one hand. Now imagine that gallon milk jug being in your stomach. That's what you just did.
(You gain 15 Fullness.)
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