Fuzzy Tentacle

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Fuzzy Tentacle
Fuzzy Tentacle

This is the drink all the sorority starspawn drink at their ancient indescribable evil mixers. It's equal parts peach schnapps and concentrated essence of horror, garnished with an eldritch mutated cherry.

Type: booze (awesome)
Potency: 2
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

(In-game plural: Fuzzy Tentacles)
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Item number: 5592
Description ID: 187788581
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Siphon Spirits
when used against horror-type monsters while the Happy Medium has an orange aura.

When Consumed

You drink the Fuzzy Tentacle. You feel like rising from an oceanic grave and, like, totally slaughtering the world, tee hee?
AdventuresYou gain 6-7 Adventures.
You gain 20-24 Magicalness.
Space.gifYou acquire an effect: Void Between the Stars
(duration: 10 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness.


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