Furious cow

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Furious cow
Monster ID 1926
Locations Wandering monster from Avatar of West of Loathing
Hit Points  ?
Attack  ?
Defense unknown
Initiative  ?
Meat None
Phylum demon
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts head, horn, leg, tail, torso
corrupted marrow
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
furious cow You're fighting a furious cow

You hear a lowing from behind you that is low neither in pitch nor in volume. You turn around to find yourself face to face with a cow who clearly has a problem with you.

"What's the matter, cow?" you say, "Have you got a chip... chipped beef... on your shoulder... or something?"

Further enraged by your failed attempted at a joke, the cow charges at you.

Hit Message(s):

It lifts its leg and spews a gout of flame from its udder, burning your <throat>. Ooh! Ow! Eek! (hot damage)

It goes your <shoulder> with one horn and your <elbow> with the other. Eek! Oof! Oof!

It harmlessly chews its cud for a few minutes, and then harmfully spits its cud on you. Blech. Ouch! Ugh! Oof! (sleaze damage)

Critical Hit Message:

It lifts its leg and spews a gout of flame from its udder, burning your <ankle>. Eek!

Miss Message(s):

It charges at you, but misses and gets its horns lodged in a tree.

It tries to gore your <lower back> and your <throat> at the same time, but those parts of you are too far apart.

It stops for a moment, wincing. It must have gotten a cramp in one of its stomachs.

Fumble Message:

It charges at you, but misses and gets its horns lodged in a tree. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Gooball.gifYou acquire an item: corrupted marrow (?% chance)*

Occurs as a wandering monster while on the Avatar of West of Loathing challenge path.