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This is a fudgecule, the smallest possible unit of fudge. Curiously, given that fudge is immune to most of the constraints of physics, the smallest possible unit is about the size of a golf ball. Fudge science is really more of an art than a science.

Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: fudgecules)
View metadata
Item number: 5435
Description ID: 800138400
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Fudge Mountain
fudge monkey (5-6)
fudge oyster (8-10)
fudge vulture (5-6)
fudge weasel (5-6)
swarm of fudgewasps (18-20)
fudge poodle (10-12)

Used For

Drop Rates

Fudgecule drops can be increased by the following effects:


"5435" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.