This is an energy-enhancing beverage similar to Gatorade, but slimier. And it doesn't make you sweat funny colors. Don't drink the ones that come in the tiny neon-colored bottles, though.
When life gives you frogs... drink Frogade!
Type: potion Selling Price: 5 Meat. Effect: Frog In Your Throat (5 Adventures)Muscle +25 (In-game plural: bottles of Frogade) | |
When Used
You drink the Frogade. Is it in you? Unfortunately, yes it is.
- "It doesn't make you sweat funny colors" refers to Gatorade's "Is it in you?" campaign, which features black-and-white footage of athletes drinking Gatorade and sweating in bright colors reminiscent of the product.
- "When life gives you frogs..." refers to the much-parodied saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."
- "Don't drink the ones that come in the tiny neon-colored bottles" refers to the many species of tiny, neon-colored, highly poisonous frogs known as poison dart frogs.
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