Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)
From TheKolWiki
This is a portable house, with a label on it reading "Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House. (TM) Just add water!" (In-game plural: Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant Houses (TM)) |
Obtained From
- Quests
- Strange Leaflet Quest
When Used
- When constructing:
You place the Instant House on the ground at your campsite, and pour some water on it. You're really moving up in the world! |
- When resting:
- See resting.
- When replacing:
- You cover your house with gasoline and set it on fire.
- This item can be missed if one isn't careful.
- Creates a House at your Campground. This will provide a base gain of 38-40 HP and 40 MP at rollover or when resting at your campsite.
- Frobozz is a reference to the Zork game series, in which there is a company called FrobozzCo International.
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