Friend of the Devils
From TheKolWiki
Trophy Number: 57
Image Filename: jeremiah_was_a_bullfrog.gif
This trophy is earned by summoning any combination of 30 demons in the Summoning Chamber.
You're entitled to the "Friend of the Devils" Trophy, for consorting with so much evil. |
- The 30 demons are tracked across ascensions, so you do not have to do them all in one run.
- Any combination of demons can be used for the 30 demons. However, since there are a limited number of different demon names that count for the trophy, many will be repeated.
- The accidental demon summon wherein you gain a proper demon name to summon does not count towards this total.
- Summoning the demon Tatter does not count towards this total, either.
- The trophy name is a reference to the Grateful Dead song "Friend of the Devil".
- The image name is a lyric from the Hoyt Axton song "Joy to the World", popularized by the group Three Dog Night.