Free Crafting Priority

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Boxens' number of uses before exploding needs to be confirmed, in case they changed post-Sept 8, 2010 overhaul
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Is the priority of concentrated cooking higher or lower than the cookbookbat?
  • Confirmation on Elf Guard Cooking, Old-School Cocktailcrafting

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Quality takes time; in the Kingdom, that means Adventures. It is a simple matter to paste together items, cook simple foods, or mix common drinks that any frat boy knows. However, to take hammer in hand and smith Meaty equipment; to create gastronomic delights from the Fanciest morsels; to bring together the Finest liqueurs and garnishes into heavenly libations... these masterpieces take a full Adventure to properly fabricate.

There are many methods to perform these difficult crafts (Meatsmithing, and Cooking and Cocktailcrafting with Fancy ingredients) without the Adventure cost. If you have multiple Free crafting sources for the intended task, there is a specific order in which they are consumed.

Source Order Applicable to Number of uses Notes
Chef-in-the-box 1 Fancy Cooking 80-100
  • Only one type of Chef can be installed in Your Kitchen at a time
  • Explodes into various items when charges are exhausted
Clockwork Chef-in-the-box 1 Fancy Cooking 380-400
  • Will replace a normal Chef-in-the-box when installed in Your Kitchen
  • Explodes into various items when charges are exhausted
Cocktail Magic 1 Fancy Cocktailcrafting Unlimited
Innabox 1 basic Meatsmithing Unlimited
Bartender-in-the-box 2 Fancy Cocktailcrafting 80-100
  • Only one type of Bartender can be installed in Your Kitchen at a time
  • Explodes into various items when charges are exhausted
Clockwork Bartender-in-the-box 2 Fancy Cocktailcrafting 380-400
  • Will replace a normal Bartender-in-the-box when installed in Your Kitchen
  • Explodes into various items when charges are exhausted
warbear auto-anvil 2 Meatsmithing 5 per day
Loathing Legion jackhammer 3 Meatsmithing 3 per day
Thor's Pliers 4 Meatsmithing 10 per day
Homebodyl™ 5 All Crafting 11 per pill
  • Each pill costs 2 spleen
Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration 6 All Crafting 1 per 5 effect turns
  • Need at least 5 adventures of the effect
  • For every Crafting adventure saved, 5 turns of the effect will be removed
Cuppa Craft tea 7 All Crafting 1 per 5 effect turns
  • Need at least 5 adventures of the effect
  • For every Crafting adventure saved, 5 turns of the effect will be removed
  • Good for 6 crafts each (30 turns)
concentrated cooking 8 Cooking 1 per 5 effect turns
  • Need at least 5 adventures of the effect
  • For every Crafting adventure saved, 5 turns of the effect will be removed
  • Each item uses 1 Spleen and is good for 2 crafts (10 turns)
Elf Guard Cooking 9 Cooking 3 per day
  • Passive skill
Old-School Cocktailcrafting 9 Fancy Cocktailcrafting 3 per day
  • Passive skill
Cookbookbat 10 Cooking 5 per day
Rapid Prototyping 11 All Crafting 5 per day
  • Passive skill
Expert Corner-Cutter 12 All Crafting 5 per day
  • Passive skill
Holiday Multitasking 13 All Crafting 3 per day
  • Passive skill


  • Meat Pasting does not cost an Adventure, but it does expend one meat paste per combination created. The Plunger, available to those born under a Knoll moon sign, waives that meat paste cost.
  • If you craft a group of items large enough that multiple sources would be needed to make all the crafting free, sources will be used in the appropriate priority to save as many Adventures as possible. (For example, armorcrafting 6 items with the auto-anvil and jackhammer available will display both their use messages and use all 5 charges from the anvil and 1 of the charges from the jackhammer.)
In-game KoL Crafts
Cooking Cocktailcrafting
Advanced Saucecrafting · The Way of Sauce · Deep Saucery · Pastamastery · Transcendental Noodlecraft · Tempuramancy · Sushi-Rolling Advanced Cocktailcrafting · Superhuman Cocktailcrafting · Salacious Cocktailcrafting · Tiki Mixology · Nash Crosby's Still
Meatsmithing Crimbo
Armorcraftiness · Super-Advanced Meatsmithing · Grimacite Smithing Toymaking · Toolmaking · Spooky Toymaking · Assimilating · Crimborg Toymaking
Meat Pasting · Untinkering · Jewelrycrafting · Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting · Pixelcrafting · Star Combining · Weaving · Staffcrafting · Mushroom Breeding · Supertinkering · The Malus of Forethought
Meat-Pasting · Cooking · Meatsmithing · Cocktailcrafting · Jewelrycrafting · Miscellaneous