Frat brats

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frat brats
frat brats

This is a sausage of the sort favored by frat boys. It's bigger, thicker, and juicier than your average, say, Knob sausage.

Not that we'd imply the frat boys are compensating for something. Nosiree.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: food (good)
Size: 1
Level required: 10
Selling Price: 85 Meat.

(In-game plural: frat bratses)
View metadata
Item number: 2046
Description ID: 572391996
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Orcish Frat House (Verge of War)
Frat Army FGF (0-1)

When Consumed

You swallow the frat brat whole, without even bothering to chew it. I wouldn't do that when anybody's watching, if I were you.
AdventuresYou gain 2-4 Adventures.
You gain 20-30 Sarcasm.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)



  • The consume message is likely a reference to deepthroat blowjobs.


"2046" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.