Floral print shirt

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floral print shirt
floral print shirt

This is a button-up shirt with a bright floral print loudly proclaiming itself on all sides. This is your one opportunity as a guy to wear a bright floral print and not get sniggered at. Not very much, at least.

Type: shirt
Power: 100
Muscle Required: 35
Selling Price: 105 Meat.

Mysticality +5

(In-game plural: floral print shirts)
View metadata
Item number: 701
Description ID: 328500392
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Shore (Tropical Paradise Island Getaway)
Rained In at the Dock


  • Shirt would not drop unless you have the Torso Awaregness skill.
  • Only dropped for male characters, while female characters were able to acquire the coconut bikini top instead.
  • This item was spoiled through the exploitation of an item creation bug, before it began dropping at the shore.

See Also


"701" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.