Flaming mushroom

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flaming mushroom
flaming mushroom

This is a mushroom with mystical flames emanating from within it. At least you think they're mystical, since you can't come up with any non-supernatural way a mushroom could be bathed in flames.

(Cocktailcrafting ingredient)
Type: food (decent)
Size: 3
Level required: 2
Selling Price: 100 Meat.

(In-game plural: flaming mushrooms)
View metadata
Item number: 755
Description ID: 779713484
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Fungal Nethers
fiery mushroom guy
Chez Snootée (sometimes) (300 Meat)


Mushsprout.gif spooky mushroom knob mushroom knoll mushroom spooky mushroom
Mushsprout.gif warm mushroom pointy mushroom
Equals.gif flaming mushroom

When Consumed

You eat the flaming mushroom. It burns the roof of your mouth. It also burns the floor and walls of your mouth.
AdventuresYou gain 3-9 Adventures.
You gain 3-5 Muscleboundness.
HPYou lose 3 hit points.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)




Slash.gif flaming mushroom | frozen mushroom | stinky mushroom


"755" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Mushroom.gif Mushroom Fields Strategy - edit
1st Generation Mushrooms: Knoll mushroom | Knob mushroom | spooky mushroom
2nd Generation Mushrooms: warm mushroom | cool mushroom | pointy mushroom
3rd Generation Mushrooms: flaming mushroom | frozen mushroom | stinky mushroom
4th Generation Mushrooms: gloomy black mushroom | oily golden mushroom