Flaming Face
From TheKolWiki
Flaming Face |
A face made of fire, he heats things up for your foes. Try not to kiss him. |
Attacks Monsters in Combat
Ability: Attacks enemies with Hot Damage
Throne/Bjorn: Serious Cold Resistance (+3), deals Hot Damage
Familiar-Specific Equipment: flaming nose
Ultimate Cage Match | Scavenger Hunt | Obstacle Course | Hide and Seek | |
+15% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +3 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 8-10 HP +2 Moxie statgain Deals Hot damage* *Hover for details
Cannot breathe underwater |
Combat Messages
- First attack:
- Second attack:
- Third attack (with flaming nose equipped):
- Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
- <name> tries to tell your opponent something, but all he manages to say is some fire. X damage worth of fire.
- Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
- With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
- One of <name>'s flaming eyes gutters slightly beneath the Tam. I guess he's winking?
- With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
- <name> sets the base of the maypole on fire.
- With wax lips equipped:
- The face smiles from behind the wax lips. How are those things even still solid?
- When it attacks, it will attack twice in the same round.
- With the flaming nose equipped, it will attack three times.
- X ranges from floor(weight/2) to (weight), and is computed separately for each attack.