From TheKolWiki
You've never felt less like a fish out of water. Everything is going just swimmingly! -1 Adventure cost underwater |
Obtained From
- Potions
- concentrated fish broth (30 Adventures)
- cuppa Gill tea (30 Adventures)
- fish juice box (20 Adventures)
- powdered candy sushi set (30 Adventures)
- super-sweet fish goo (15 Adventures, Crimbo 2019 only)
- Regular food
- Aldebaran sardines (60 Adventures/2 fullness)
- beefy fish meat (5 Adventures/1 fullness)
- buñuelos Jaliscos (30 Adventures/1 fullness, Crimbo 2019 only)
- glistening fish meat (5 Adventures/1 fullness)
- old chum (5 Adventures/2 fullness)
- shoo-fish pie (20 Adventures/2 fullness)
- slick fish meat (5 Adventures/1 fullness)
- Sushi food
- Nigiri (20 Adventures/2 fullness)
- Maki (45 Adventures/3 fullness)
- Maki with dragonfish caviar topping (50 Adventures/3 fullness)
- Bento box (80 Adventures/5 fullness)
- Regular booze
- Centauri fish wine (60 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- fishelada (30 Adventures/3 Drunkenness, Crimbo 2019 only)
- Happy Medium booze
- Mer-Kin
- Punchplanter (5 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Doublepunchplanter (10 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Haymaker (15 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Fish
- Caipiranha (5 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Flying Caipiranha (10 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Flaming Caipiranha (15 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Penguins
- Herring Daiquiri (5 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Herring Wallbanger (10 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- Herringtini (15 Adventures/2 Drunkenness)
- super-sweet fish goo (spoiled) (15 Adventures/5 Spleen)
- fishy paste (10 Adventures/4 spleen)
- Sea jelly (10 Adventures/1 spleen)
- Fish sauce (30 Adventures/1 spleen)
- Quest rewards
- fishy pipe (10 Adventures)
- Lutz, the Ice Skate (30 Adventures)
- The Haggling (50 Adventures)
- Skills
- Just the Facts (10 Adventures) (after some combats, see this helpful tool made by Semenar.)
- Having the Warm Belly effect active when eating food from The Sea that grants Fishy (i.e. beefy/glistening/slick fish meat and sushi), will add 10 extra turns of this effect.