First Post shirt - Cir Senam
From TheKolWiki
This shirt is believed to have been stolen from Cir Senam's laundry. I wonder if wearing it increases your luck in MMG? (In-game plural not known - currently impossible to determine.) |
Obtained From
- Items
- First Post shirt package (150,000 BACON)
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Item Replacement
- Replaced First Post shirt on all characters that had it
- First obtained by Cir Senam at about 7:45 PM Arizona Time on May 4, 2016:
- System Message: Looks like Cir Senam got the FIRST POST! Soon to be appearing on a shirt near your nipples.
- Was renamed from First Post shirt on May 9, 2016.
See Also
"9027" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.