Fire Fighter

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Fire Fighter
Monster ID 1686
Locations A Crowd of Adventurers
Hit Points 0
Attack 0
Defense 0
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum dude
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, torso
Manuel handful of fire
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Fire Fighter You're fighting a Fire Fighter

You approach a woman with bright orange hair and ask if you're in the right place for the Hottest Adventurer contest. "You are, but I warn you -- the competition is pretty hot!" she says.

"Okay, I don't have time for another pun-off. Let's just fight and get it over with."

"Aww," she says, "the fire pun shtick is pretty much all I've got. Oh, and also these magical flame powers." A wreath of flame springs into existence around her and she advances on you.

Hit Message(s):

She punches you in the <giblets> with her red-hot fist. It sizzles as your <thigh>-fat boils away. Eek! Oof! Ooh! (hot damage)

She burns the midnight oil, by which I mean that she douses our[sic] <leg> in oil and sets it ablaze. Ow! Eek! Eek! (hot damage)

She burns your candle at both ends by setting your <skull> and your <neck> on fire at the same time. Ugh! Ugh! Ooh! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

She burns your candle at both ends by setting your <leg> and your <giblets> on fire at the same time. Ugh! Argh! Ouch!

Miss Message(s):

She rushes toward you, but you spray her with a fire extinguisher.

She dives at you, but you deflect her with a wet blanket.

She throws a flaming punch, but you stop, drop, and roll out of the way.

Fumble Message:

She throws a flaming punch, but you stop, drop, and roll out of the way (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You gain ~40-50? <substat>.

Occurs at A Crowd of Adventurers (Hottest Adventurer contest) in The Naughty Sorceress' Tower.