Filthy lucre
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This is a piece of filthy lucre, a coin used as currency by the Bounty Hunter Hunter. It's filthy in three different senses. First, it's passed through a large number of disreputable hands. Second, a lot of those hands belonged to people who weren't all that concerned with hygiene. Third, the back of the coin is stamped with a pretty racy image. (In-game plural: pieces of filthy lucre) |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack (Given upon completion of a bounty)
- Used as currency in The Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack.
- The phrase "filthy lucre" is an archaic slang term for money. It is attributed to 16th-century Protestant scholar William Tyndale. Much of his work found its way into the Authorized King James Version of the Bible (1611), as seen in 1 Timothy 3:3: "not given to filthy lucre".
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