Filigreed hamethyst earring

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filigreed hamethyst earring
filigreed hamethyst earring

To the undiscerning eye, this looks an awful lot like a hamethyst earring. To the more refined observer, however, it's clear that this is a lot fancier than its ordinary counterpoint. It practically drips with class and pedigree. Filigreed pedigree.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 40
Selling Price: 600 Meat.

Muscle +8
+5% chance of Critical Hit

(In-game plural: filigreed hamethyst earrings)
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Item number: 2777
Description ID: 630974983
View in-game: view
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Xpliers.gif precious piercing post hamethyst
Equals.gif filigreed hamethyst earring


  • The item name may refer to 70s British comedy Fawlty Towers, which starred John Cleese of Monty Python fame. In the last episode, it was revealed that Basil Fawlty's (Cleese's) Spanish bellboy, Manuel, had a rat for a pet, violating health codes. Manuel was told that the rat was a "Siberian Filigreed Hamster."

See Also


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