Feast of Boris

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Familiar25.gif Cornucopia.gif Familiar25.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris!
Eat, eat, eat!
Cornucopia.gif Familiar25.gif Cornucopia.gif Familiar25.gif

This holiday honors Boris the Beefy, one of the three mighty archetypal elders who helped shape the Kingdom back in the old days (which were way before the days of Yore). Boris's capacity for eating was almost as legendary as his capacity for violence. To maintain his barge-like physique, he ate five dozen raw eggs every morning. It's hardly surprising that he died not in battle, but from a combination of clogged arteries and salmonella poisoning. To celebrate his memory, citizens of the Kingdom gorge themselves on food until they can barely move.


On the Feast of Boris, a character's maximum fullness is raised by 15. This doubles the normal eating capacity for characters, excepting those who have achieved a Stomach of Steel. Those with the Stomach of Steel will find a 75% increase in their eating capacity, for a total eating capacity of a whopping 35 fullness, enabling them to eat the three-tiered wedding cake and qualify for the Three-Tiered Trophy. This bonus will not trigger for anyone under the restrictions of a special challenge path, though breaking the prism will enable them to pig out.

December 13, 2005 was the first time the Feast of Boris involved several special adventures popping up at random in every area. This even works in areas that normally have no combat at all, and includes adventuring in a Drunken Stupor.

Cranberries are unusually effective, as is any food or drink containing them. Pink ponies are also changed - at the time of the first Feast of Boris they were made from vodka and cranberry. However, the Pink Pony does not seem to give any additional adventures on the Feast of Boris. The roll in the hay, however, does. This may be a bug. On Feast of Boris XIII, cranberries and cranberry items gave no additional adventures or special text. Again, this may be a bug.


Special Item Messages

  • cranberries: You eat the cranberries. Something about today being the Feast of Boris makes them taste extra good. (Did not appear on feast of Boris XIII)
  • pink pony: The pink pony tastes like a pink turkey, for some reason. Salty and delicious! (No longer present as of Feast of Boris VII)
  • redrum: You drink the redrum, and it reminds you of that one Christmas you spent with your family in that creepy hotel in the mountains. (Did not appear on Feast of Boris XIV)
  • vodka and cranberry: The taste of the vodka and cranberry reminds you of holidays with your family. And how you always got drunk during them and made an ass out of yourself. (Did not appear on Feast of Boris XIV)

Special Items

From the Feast of Boris V onwards:

Added the Feast of Boris XIII, for characters below the level requirements of the aforementioned foods:

Special Adventures

From Feast of Boris V onwards:

Candied Yam Golem This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: yam candy (below level 5), candied yams (level 5 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Player's Buffed Moxie - 3 • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Player's Buffed Muscle - 3
  • Hit Points: 75% of Player HP
  • Initiative: 100
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Malevolent Tofurkey This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: tofurkey nugget, packet of tofurkey gravy (below level 5); tofurkey gravy, tofurkey leg (level 5 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Player's Buffed Moxie - 3 • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Player's Buffed Muscle - 3
  • Hit Points: 75% of Player HP
  • Initiative: 100
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Possessed Can of Cranberry Sauce This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

Stuffing Golem This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: single-serving herbal stuffing (below level 7), herbal stuffing (level 7 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Player's Buffed Moxie - 3 • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Player's Buffed Muscle - 3
  • Hit Points: 75% of Player HP
  • Initiative: 100
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Alternate Messages

  • If you're on a special challenge path, you will not gain any additional fullness, and a different message will show up on the main map:
  • If you are in a Standard run when Feast of Boris occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You're too competitive to participate, though...
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Bees Hate You run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif
Today is the Feast of B...
Aww, crap.
Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif Beeicon.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris. The Surprising Fist craves not these things.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Trendy run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris. More like the Feast of Boring... Pass.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in an Avatar of Boris run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Yay, you!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Bugbear Invasion run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Unfortunately, bugbear mind-control rays are suppresing[sic] your appetite...
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Zombie Slayer run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Brains, brains, brains!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Class Act or Class Act II run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Unfortunately, you're too classy to participate.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in an Avatar of Jarlsberg run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Brutish holiday. You refuse to participate.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a BIG! run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
All this holiday food is too small for your taste.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a KOLHS run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Too bad you still have class.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Sneaky Pete is too cool for that.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Slow and Steady run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
But it's too hot to eat that much.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Heavy Rains run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
The rain has ruined your festive mood.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Picky run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You're way too picky to eat weird holiday food...
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You can't participate, for some random reason.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Community Service run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You're too busy servicing the community to participate.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
They don't celebrate the Feast of Boris out West.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a The Source run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
But everything tastes like chicken and you don't feel celebratory.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Nuclear Autumn run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
But you're not in the mood to celebrate during nuclear autumn.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Gelatinous Noob run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
It really makes you wish you could eat like a normal human.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a License to Adventure run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
The constant threat of lethal danger has quashed your appetite.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
If you're stuck in the same day over and over, is it really Feast of Boris?
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Pocket Familiars run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Too bad you're too busy catching them all to participate!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a G-Lover run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Feast of Boris has no Gs!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Disguises Delimit run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You can't fit extra food through your mask's mouth-hole!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
You don't feel like celebrating, how random!
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Path of the Plumber run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Plumber's Union rules forbid participation.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Low Key Summer run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Let's just keep things low key.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Grey Goo run when this occurs, the following text greers you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Maybe figure out this Gray Goo thing instead of stuffing your face.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a You, Robot run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Organic food does not interest you.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Quantum Terrarium run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
This quantum familiar run has you to[sic] discombobulated to enjoy your food.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Wildfire run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Unfortunately, all of the food got burned and is now totally inedible.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Grey You run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Perhaps you will absorb something festive.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a Journeyman run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
But, you do not have the skill to eat voraciously.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Unfortunately, dinosaurs ate all the food.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Unfortunately, a shadow has been cast over the season.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a WereProfessor run in beast form when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Arggg, growl. Who cares.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in a WereProfessor run in professor form when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
But you are too busy with your research
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
  • If you are in an Avant Guard run when this occurs, the following text greets you upon login:
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif
Today is the Feast of Boris.
Your bodyguard will keep you from overeating.
Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif Cornucopia.gif


  • The Feast of Boris was not celebrated on its counterpart real-life holiday, Thanksgiving, until 2007, however its very first celebration was for Thanksgiving, albeit late. If The Feast of Boris did take place on real-life Thanksgiving, this would allow for the eventual possibility of a Stat Day coinciding with the Feast of Boris. The combination of doubled eating capacity and a bonus to stats from adventures is something that the development team likely wanted to avoid, as it would make ascending on that specific day a lot easier (and since it would only happen every couple of years, this would lead to leaderboard runs that would be unrivaled). However, this did occur, presumably by accident, on Feast of Boris XVIII, a Muscle day.
  • The special adventures were first added on Feast of Boris V, when the monsters were all very weak and only yielded 1 substat point each. This was changed for Feast of Boris VI, and from that point onwards, the monsters now scale to your level, giving appropriate substats to your level.
  • You may still encounter the monsters while drunk, instead of the usual Drunken Stupor encounters.
  • These monsters are wandering monsters, and obey all the encounter rules on that page.
  • The range between FoB monsters is believed to be 25-35 turns.
  • During Special challenge paths, you will encounter the Feast of Boris monsters but don't get the extra eating capacity of the holiday. If you break the Prism, you can eat the extra food.
  • For the first few hours of Feast of Boris XLIX, the message for the Actually Ed the Undying challenge path read "You're way too undead or not to particpate...". This was changed at some unknown point during the day.
  • Dark Gyffte, Kingdom of Exploathing, Legacy of Loathing, and A Shrunken Adventurer Am I do not have any special text for Feast of Boris, despite not gaining additional fullness.
  • Feast of Boris LXXIII was on the same day as Festival of Jarlsberg. The food drops from holiday monsters were different, and were the same for every level. The different drops were:


  • The line in the description about eggs and a barge-like physique refers to a lyric from the song "Gaston" from the 1991 Disney animated feature Beauty and the Beast: "And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge."