Fat loot token
From TheKolWiki
(In-game plural: fat loot tokens) |
Obtained From
- The Daily Dungeon
- Second Chest (only with candy cane sword cane)
- The Final Reward
- 8-Bit Realm
- Treasure House (20000 Points)
- The GameInformPowerDailyPro Dungeon
- Video Game Boss
- Gingerbread Train Station
- The Currency Exchange
- FantasyRealm, by LyleCo
- The Bandit Crossroads
- Fantasy bandit (1/day)
- Items
- Daily dungeon malware (1/day, when used against a Daily Dungeon monster)
- Can be used to purchase items from the Dungeoneer's Association Vending Machine.
- You can only obtain 1 token from the daily dungeon per day, but the The GameInformPowerDailyPro Dungeon can be completed multiple times per day if you have enough magazines.
- Also used as currency at Cosmic Ray's Bazaar during a Kingdom of Exploathing challenge path.
- "EX TERRA BONUS" means "out of the ground, good stuff", more or less.
- Prior to February 26, 2013, these were quest items. After, these could no longer be pulled from Hagnk's while in Ronin.
"5221" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.