Fake cocktail

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fake cocktail
fake cocktail

This is a "cocktail" made by a bartender whose establishment doesn't have a real liquor license, so instead of vodka or tequila or something, it's made with some weird Asian liquid that has so little alcohol in it that it has no actual alcohol in it.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 2 Meat.
Effect: Liquor-ish (10 Adventures)Maximum MP +50
Regenerate 20-30 MP per Adventure

(In-game plural: fake cocktails)
View metadata
Item number: 9242
Description ID: 430309780
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Gingerbread Upscale Retail District
Upscale Midnight (taking the cocktail)

When Used

You drink the fake cocktail and become filled with genuine disappointment.
Martini.gifYou acquire an effect: Liquor-ish
(duration: 10 Adventures)


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