Facial Expression

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Adventurers can make a funny face, and wouldn't you know it, it got stuck like that.


Facial Expressions are 10-turn effects granted by using one of sixteen non-combat skills. These Expressions are mutually exclusive and obtaining a new Expression will remove any other present. They all cost 10 MP to use.

Wink.gif Facial Expressions
Class Skill Effect Name Effect Source
Club.gif Wolfmask.gif Snarl of the Timberwolf Snarl of the Timberwolf +10 Spooky Damage Spookyraven Skills
Angry.gif Scowl of the Auk Scowl of the Auk Weapon Damage +10 Guild (Level 6)
Turtle.gif Stiffupperlip.gif Stiff Upper Lip Stiff Upper Lip Damage Reduction: 10 Guild (Level 3)
Patientsmile.gif Patient Smile Patient Smile +1 Muscle Stats Per Fight Guild (Level 14)
Quietresolve.gif Quiet Determination Quiet Determination Muscle +25% Mime Science (Crimbo 2017)
Pastaspoon.gif Archedeyebrow.gif Arched Eyebrow of the Archmage Arched Eyebrow of the Archmage Spell Damage +10 Guild (Level 4)
Wizardsquint.gif Wizard Squint Wizard Squint +10% Chance of Spell Critical Hit Guild (Level 14)
Quietjudgement.gif Quiet Judgement Quiet Judgement Mysticality +25% Mime Science (Crimbo 2017)
Saucepan.gif Icyglare.gif Icy Glare Icy Glare +10 Cold Damage
+10 Damage to Cold Spells
Guild (Level 3)
Wrysmile.gif Wry Smile Wry Smile +1 Mysticality Stats Per Fight Guild (Level 13)
Discoball.gif Discoleer.gif Disco Leer Disco Leer +10% Meat from Monsters Guild (Level 15)
Wink.gif Disco Smirk Disco Smirk Moxie +10 Guild (Level 8)
Accordion.gif Susgaze.gif Suspicious Gaze Suspicious Gaze +20% Combat Initiative Guild (Level 8)
Coolsmile.gif Knowing Smile Knowing Smile +1 Moxie Stats Per Fight Guild (Level 14)
Quietdesperation.gif Quiet Desperation Quiet Desperation Moxie +25% Mime Science (Crimbo 2017)
None Psychicgaze.gif Inscrutable Gaze Inscrutable Gaze +10% to all Mysticality Gains Tradeable skillbook from VIP Lounge