Evil ointment of the occult

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evil ointment of the occult
evil ointment of the occult

Have you ever noticed how only evil people use evil ointment? And have you ever noticed how only evil people are really, really wise? It's no coincidence. One application of this miraculousy evil mixture and you'll be feeling as sagacious as the sagest of evil sages.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 71 Meat.
Effect: Mystically Oiled (10 Adventures)Mysticality +100%
Cannot be traded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: evil ointments of the occult)
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Item number: 3185
Description ID: 403964394
View in-game: view


Lovepotion.gif grapefruit nauseating reagent
Equals.gif evil ointment of the occult

When Used

You rub the ointment into your temples. It soothes your troubled mind. Evilly.
Skull.gifYou acquire an effect: A Little Bit Evil
(duration: 10 Adventures)
Potion4.gifYou acquire an effect: Mystically Oiled
(duration: 15-20 Adventures)


  • Do not be deceived by the in-game listing for the potion's duration. This potion can only be made by Saucerors, which means they are granted an extra 5 turns to the potion effects on top of the base 10 turns.