Endowing the Cowling

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Endowing the Cowling
Endowing the Cowling

You look over the options for things to mount on <BikeName>'s front end, while suppressing the urge to joke about mounting the rear end.

Ghost Vacuum
(Extra effectiveness against the evil undead)
You install the Ghost Vacuum. Even if you weren't afraid of no ghost before, you're even less afraid of them now.

Rocket Launcher
(Constantly fires military-grade rockets)
You install the Rocket Launcher, relieved that Mama don't care if you shoot them off.

Sweepy Red Light
(+5 Stats after combat)
You install the sweeping red light. Not only does it make <BikeName> look more futuristic, it curves up at each end of the sweep like a little smile.

Upgrade Something Else

Occurs at Upping Your Grade.


  • When adventuring in The Cyrpt, the evil in the zone you are adventuring in will be further reduced by 1 after eachcombat:
<BikeName>'s ghost vacuum sucks up some extra evil!
  • When the Ghost Vacuum is installed, damage will be dealt every round:
<BikeName>'s ghost vacuum sucks 15-20 damage worth of ectoplasm out of your foe.
  • Amusingly, this does not bypass the physical immunity that some ghosts possess, reducing the damage to 1 versus such monsters.