Enchanted barbell

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enchanted barbell
enchanted barbell

This is a barbell which has been imbued with a powerful magic spell. A few minutes with this and you'll be noticeably stronger.

Type: spleen item (decent)
Toxicity: 1
Level required: 2
Selling Price: 125 Meat.

(In-game plural: enchanted barbells)
View metadata
Item number: 271
Description ID: 437207139
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Barrel full of Barrels
The Daily Dungeon
Second Chest (sometimes)
The Degrassi Knoll Gym
Gnollish Bodybuilder
Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Daily Dungeon
Room 6: Treasure! (sometimes)

When Used

You work out for a while with the barbell. You feel tougher.
You gain 5-7 Strongness.
(You gain 1 Spleen.)


Slash.gif concentrated magicalness pill | enchanted barbell | giant moxie weed


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