Elven magi-pack

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elven magi-pack
elven magi-pack

Nothing improves hard sci-fi like magic does, in the same way that nothing improves a good fantasy world like motorcycles do.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

(In-game plural: elven magi-packs)
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Item number: 5173
Description ID: 909099220
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Hamburglaris Shield Generator
Alien hamsterpus
Mutated alielf
Mutated alielephant
Map to Safety Shelter Ronald Prime
Deep Inside Ronald, Baby (Portal)

When Used

You hold the magi-pack up, looking for a way to get into it. It starts spinning around, and then vanishes, and you feel your mana fill back up. What does it feel like? Well, kinda lightning-y, I'd say
MPYou gain 40-50 Mana Points.


  • The motorcycles in fantasy line is referring to Jick's disapproval of World of Warcraft having added motorcycles into the game.

See Also


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