El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes)

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El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes)
El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes)

This is a small card made of stiff paper, with more holes in it than your mom. By, like, a lot.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 142 Meat.


(In-game plural: El Vibrato punchcards (142 holes))
View metadata
Item number: 3151
Description ID: 146100460
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

A Shimmering Portal
hulking construct
menacing construct

When Used

  • When used with a proper command:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "KUZGA: TAFU GABECHA. FUCHANO KROZEVENO BUFULA."
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "OBJECT: TARGET ACCEPTED. INITIATING REQUESTED BEHAVIOR."
  • When used with an improper command:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "ZEVENOK KUZGA KROTATA. ZEVEPACHA SOM BULA BUFULA."
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "INVALID OBJECT SPECIFIED. REVERTING TO DEFAULT BEHAVIOR".
  • When used out of sequence:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "ANZEVE BELA NOGACHA. ZEVEPACHA SOM BULA BUFULA."
You slide the punchcard into a slot in the <construct>. It bellows "SYNTAX ERROR DETECTED. REVERTING TO DEFAULT BEHAVIOR."
  • When used in combat with a non-construct monster:
You wave the card in the air, nothing interesting happens.



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