El Vibrato Megadrone (familiar)

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Seems to sometimes fulfill several functions at once (see talk page). Why/When?
El Vibrato Megadrone

Strange ancient magic,
or is it technology?
It's probably both.

Is programmable to perform various functions

Ability: Attacks; Delevels; heals at the end of combat; increases weapon damage; or prevents the opponent from attacking, depending on function selected with El Vibrato punchcards

Throne/Bjorn: +10 to Monster Level, sometimes restores 10-15 MP

Hatchling: Umegadrone.gif El Vibrato Megadrone

Familiar-Specific Equipment: N/A

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+15% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +3 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +3 Mysticality statgain 18-20HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • During combat, if no punchcard has been inserted:
    <name> floats around in circles, endlessly repeating "NO BEFUNO BUGACHA."
  • During combat, when programmed to ATTACK:
    <name> says "TAFU: <opponent> BUGACHA, BEBU GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA." as it fires a beam of energy at your opponent, dealing X damage.
  • At end of combat, when programmed to REPAIR:
    <name> says "KROKUZ NOKZAKPAAN GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA." It presses itself against your head, and your whole body feels warm.
    HPYou gain X hit points.
  • During combat, when programmed to BUFF:
    <name> says "TAFU: <weapon> BUGACHA. SOM GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA." as a beam of energy arcs out of it and into your <weapon>.
  • During combat, when programmed to MODIFY:
    <name> says "TAFU: <opponent> BUGACHA, FUZEVEZEVECHO GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA." as it performs a series of painful-looking body modifications on your opponent. He comes out of it looking a little worse for wear.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
  • During combat, when programmed to BUILD:
    <name> says "FUAN GACHOKUZ FUCHANOKCHA" as it sweeps back and forth in front of your opponent, building a wall out of thin air. Your opponent has to walk around it, and doesn't have time to attack you.
  • Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
    <name> lowers itself down over your temples and shoots a beam of energy through your brain. Whee!
    MPYou gain 10-15 Mana Points.
  • Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
    You feel a sudden shock as <name> feeds an electrical pulse through both of your temples. Whoo! Perks you up better than a hot cup of coffee.
    MPYou gain 10-15 Mana Points.
  • With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
    You can see a bright blue glow coming from beneath the brim of the Tam O'Shatner.
  • With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
    <name> glides in circles around the maypole, leading you to wonder whether neutrons are important to its operation.
  • With wax lips equipped:
    The bright blue glow shining through <name>'s wax lips makes everything look purple.


  • Having this familiar as your active familiar puts an [insert into the drone] link under each of the "command" El Vibrato punchcards in your inventory (115, 97, 129, 165, and 213). Inserting a card selects a function, clearing out any previously selected function.
    • When inserting an ATTACK punchcard:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in <name>. A voice emerges: "BEFUNO GABECHA: BEBU."
    • When inserting a REPAIR punchcard:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in <name>. A voice emerges: "BEFUNO GABECHA: TAGA."
    • When inserting a BUFF punchcard:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in <name>. A voice emerges: "BEFUNO GABECHA: SOM."
    • When inserting a BUILD punchcard:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in <name>. A voice emerges: "BEFUNO GABECHA: FUAN."
    • When inserting a MODIFY punchcard:
You slide the punchcard into a slot in <name>. A voice emerges: "BEFUNO GABECHA: FUKRO."
  • The Megadrone's selected function is cleared on ascension.
  • When set to attack, will attack 50% of the time for int(X/2)+1 to X+2 in damage, where X is the familiar's weight.
  • When set to heal, the familiar will heal 50% of the time at the end of combat for int((3X+5)/2) to 3X+5 HP.
  • The "Buff" effect occurs 50% of the time while attacking. Weapon damage is increased by 2X to 3X, where X is the weight of the familiar. You must have a weapon equipped, but the weapon itself is not important.
  • The "Build" effect prevents the opponent from attacking that round.
  • When set to Modify, the familiar will act 50% of the time and delevel 1 to int(X/4) levels, where X is the familiar's weight.
  • This familiar can have as much as 100 pounds added to it through the El Vibrato helmet.


  • The lines of the haiku refer to Clarke's third law, stating that "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  • The Maypole message refers to "The Neutron Dance" by The Pointer Sisters.

See Also