El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos

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Candyskull.gif Corpseisland.gif Candyskull.gif Corpseisland.gif
Today is El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos!
Watch out for spirits with spirits!
Corpseisland.gif Candyskull.gif Corpseisland.gif Candyskull.gif

On this day, as BorderTown lore would have it, the spirits of the dead rise to drink the spirits of the living, so if you encounter a spirit and spiritedly beat on it, you might steal the spirit's spirits. Which would certainly give you esprit de corps.


Special Items

For characters below the level requirements of the aforementioned booze (levels 1-4):

Special Adventures

Novia Cadáver This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: red-headed corpse (below level 5), corpse on the beach (level 5 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Moxie - 3 (cap at 10 000) • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Muscle - 3 (cap at 10 000)
  • Hit Points: 75% of Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Novio Cadáver This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: kamicorpse-ee (below level 5), corpsedriver (level 5 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Moxie - 3 (cap at 10 000) • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Muscle - 3 (cap at 10 000)
  • Hit Points: 75% of Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Padre Cadáver This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: purple corpsel (below level 5), corpsetini (level 5 and above)
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Moxie - 3 (cap at 10 000) • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Muscle - 3 (cap at 10 000)
  • Hit Points: 75% of Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Persona Inocente Cadáver This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: corpsebite (below level 5), Corpse Island iced tea (level 5 and above), una poca de graciam
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: Moxie - 3 (cap at 10 000) • Substat Gain: Scales with player stats • Moxie for No Hit*: Scales with player stats
  • Monster Defense: Muscle - 3 (cap at 10 000)
  • Hit Points: 75% of Defense
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None


  • Official Holiday Description
  • Each of these deaths are intertwined: The groom crashes his car and dies; as a result, the bride tears her clothes off and leaps into the river; the priest dies from a heart attack after witnessing the bride's death; and the innocent bystander's canoe is wrecked by the bride landing on it, causing him to drown.
  • These monsters are wandering monsters, and obey all the encounter rules on that page.
  • The range between El Dia monsters is believed to be 25-35 turns.
  • If attempting to use Transcendent Olfaction on a El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos encounter, you get the message "The smell of this opponent is too complex for even your superhuman nose to process."


  • This holiday refers to the real-life Mexican holiday El Dia De Los Muertos or the Day of the Dead, which takes place on November 1st and 2nd.
  • El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos translates to "The Day of the Drunken Dead", but given the English idioms "Day of the Dead" and "Dead Drunk" and the Devs' love of Google language tools, a more likely translation is "Day of the Dead Drunk."
  • Esprit de corps is a French term for the morale of (usually) a military unit. The words are partial cognates with "spirit" (as in "alcohol", rather than "loyalty") and "corpse," continuing the string of death/booze puns.