Edible alien plant bit

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edible alien plant bit
edible alien plant bit

This is a chunk of edible-seeming plant matter from an alien planet. Let's hope your sense of edibility applies to non-terrestrial foods.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: food (good)
Size: 1
Selling Price: 4 Meat.

Gives 5 Adventures of a random positive effect

(In-game plural: edible alien plant bits)
View metadata
Item number: 9415
Description ID: 306788819
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Through the Spacegate
hostile plant
A Simple Plant
A Complicated Plant x3

When Consumed

You pop the alien plant matter into your mouth and chew it up. It doesn't taste too bad, but it makes you feel funny...
AdventuresYou gain 3 Adventures.
SomethingYou acquire an effect: ... something
(duration: 5 Adventures)[[Data:{{{effect}}}]]
(You gain 1 Fullness.)



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