Ectoplasmic orbs

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ectoplasmic orbs
ectoplasmic orbs

These are the ghosts of some kind of spheres that nerds care about. Replica glass contact-juggling balls? Moon-shaped space stations? Developmentally-disabled space-obsessed artificial intelligence cores? Who knows/cares.

(Cooking ingredient)
Type: potion
Selling Price: 30 Meat.
Effect: Balls of Ectoplasm (10 Adventures)Slight Spooky Resistance (+1)

(In-game plural: ectoplasmic orbss)
View metadata
Item number: 8408
Description ID: 920035013
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

A-boo Peak
Battlie Knight Ghost
Claybender Sorcerer Ghost
Dusken Raider Ghost
Space Tourist Explorer Ghost
Whatsian Commando Ghost

When Used

You eat the orbs. Well, sort of. You kind of toss them through your head and into your stomach.
Ghostballs.gifYou acquire an effect: Balls of Ectoplasm
(duration: 10 Adventures)



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