Dusty animal bones

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These bones are obtained randomly by using a pile of dusty animal bones. These 100 types of pieces are required to make a misshapen animal skeleton.

Functional Sort Order      Alphabetical Sort Order
Aniskull.gif dusty animal cranium Aniskull2.gif dusty animal skull Aniskull.gif dusty animal cranium
Jawbone.gif dusty animal jawbone Jawbone.gif dusty animal jawbone
Vertebra.gif dusty first cervical vertebra Pelvis.gif dusty animal pelvis
Vertebra.gif dusty second cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty eighth caudal vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty third cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty eighth thoracic vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty fourth cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty fifth cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fifth caudal vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty sixth cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fifth cervical vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty seventh cervical vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fifth lumbar vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty first thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fifth thoracic vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty second thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty first caudal vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty third thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty first cervical vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty fourth thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty first lumbar vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty fifth thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty first thoracic vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty sixth thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fourth caudal vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty seventh thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fourth cervical vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty eighth thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fourth lumbar vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty ninth thoracic vertebra Vertebra.gif dusty fourth thoracic vertebra
Vertebra.gif dusty tenth thoracic vertebra Clavicle.gif dusty left clavicle
Vertebra.gif dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra Rib.gif dusty left eighth rib
Vertebra.gif dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra Rib.gif dusty left eleventh rib
Vertebra.gif dusty first lumbar vertebra Bone.gif dusty left femur
Vertebra.gif dusty second lumbar vertebra Bone.gif dusty left fibula
Vertebra.gif dusty third lumbar vertebra Rib.gif dusty left fifth rib
Vertebra.gif dusty fourth lumbar vertebra Boneclaw.gif dusty left first front claw
Vertebra.gif dusty fifth lumbar vertebra Boneclaw.gif dusty left first rear claw
Vertebra.gif dusty sixth lumbar vertebra Rib.gif dusty left first rib
Vertebra.gif dusty seventh lumbar vertebra Boneclaw.gif dusty left fourth front claw
Clspine.gif dusty sacral vertebrae Boneclaw.gif dusty left fourth rear claw
Vertebra.gif dusty first caudal vertebra Rib.gif dusty left fourth rib
Vertebra.gif dusty second caudal vertebra Bone.gif dusty left humerus
Vertebra.gif dusty third caudal vertebra Kneecap.gif dusty left kneecap
Vertebra.gif dusty fourth caudal vertebra Rib.gif dusty left ninth rib
Vertebra.gif dusty fifth caudal vertebra Bone.gif dusty left radius
Vertebra.gif dusty sixth caudal vertebra Scapula.gif dusty left scapula
Vertebra.gif dusty seventh caudal vertebra Boneclaw.gif dusty left second front claw
Vertebra.gif dusty eighth caudal vertebra Boneclaw.gif dusty left second rear claw
Vertebra.gif dusty ninth caudal vertebra Rib.gif dusty left second rib
Vertebra.gif dusty tenth caudal vertebra Rib.gif dusty left seventh rib
Rib.gif dusty left first rib Rib.gif dusty left sixth rib
Rib.gif dusty left second rib Rib.gif dusty left tenth rib
Rib.gif dusty left third rib Boneclaw.gif dusty left third front claw
Rib.gif dusty left fourth rib Boneclaw.gif dusty left third rear claw
Rib.gif dusty left fifth rib Rib.gif dusty left third rib
Rib.gif dusty left sixth rib Thumb.gif dusty left thumb
Rib.gif dusty left seventh rib Bone.gif dusty left tibia
Rib.gif dusty left eighth rib Rib.gif dusty left twelfth rib
Rib.gif dusty left ninth rib Bone.gif dusty left ulna
Rib.gif dusty left tenth rib Vertebra.gif dusty ninth caudal vertebra
Rib.gif dusty left eleventh rib Vertebra.gif dusty ninth thoracic vertebra
Rib.gif dusty left twelfth rib Clavicle.gif dusty right clavicle
Rib.gif dusty right first rib Rib.gif dusty right eighth rib
Rib.gif dusty right second rib Rib.gif dusty right eleventh rib
Rib.gif dusty right third rib Bone.gif dusty right femur
Rib.gif dusty right fourth rib Bone.gif dusty right fibula
Rib.gif dusty right fifth rib Rib.gif dusty right fifth rib
Rib.gif dusty right sixth rib Boneclaw.gif dusty right first front claw
Rib.gif dusty right seventh rib Boneclaw.gif dusty right first rear claw
Rib.gif dusty right eighth rib Rib.gif dusty right first rib
Rib.gif dusty right ninth rib Boneclaw.gif dusty right fourth front claw
Rib.gif dusty right tenth rib Boneclaw.gif dusty right fourth rear claw
Rib.gif dusty right eleventh rib Rib.gif dusty right fourth rib
Rib.gif dusty right twelfth rib Bone.gif dusty right humerus
Pelvis.gif dusty animal pelvis Kneecap.gif dusty right kneecap
Scapula.gif dusty left scapula Rib.gif dusty right ninth rib
Scapula.gif dusty right scapula Bone.gif dusty right radius
Clavicle.gif dusty left clavicle Scapula.gif dusty right scapula
Clavicle.gif dusty right clavicle Boneclaw.gif dusty right second front claw
Bone.gif dusty left humerus Boneclaw.gif dusty right second rear claw
Bone.gif dusty right humerus Rib.gif dusty right second rib
Bone.gif dusty left radius Rib.gif dusty right seventh rib
Bone.gif dusty right radius Rib.gif dusty right sixth rib
Bone.gif dusty left ulna Rib.gif dusty right tenth rib
Bone.gif dusty right ulna Boneclaw.gif dusty right third front claw
Bone.gif dusty left femur Boneclaw.gif dusty right third rear claw
Bone.gif dusty right femur Rib.gif dusty right third rib
Bone.gif dusty left tibia Thumb.gif dusty right thumb
Bone.gif dusty right tibia Bone.gif dusty right tibia
Bone.gif dusty left fibula Rib.gif dusty right twelfth rib
Bone.gif dusty right fibula Bone.gif dusty right ulna
Kneecap.gif dusty left kneecap Clspine.gif dusty sacral vertebrae
Kneecap.gif dusty right kneecap Vertebra.gif dusty second caudal vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left first front claw Vertebra.gif dusty second cervical vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left second front claw Vertebra.gif dusty second lumbar vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left third front claw Vertebra.gif dusty second thoracic vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left fourth front claw Vertebra.gif dusty seventh caudal vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right first front claw Vertebra.gif dusty seventh cervical vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right second front claw Vertebra.gif dusty seventh lumbar vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right third front claw Vertebra.gif dusty seventh thoracic vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right fourth front claw Vertebra.gif dusty sixth caudal vertebra
Thumb.gif dusty left thumb Vertebra.gif dusty sixth cervical vertebra
Thumb.gif dusty right thumb Vertebra.gif dusty sixth lumbar vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left first rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty sixth thoracic vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left second rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty tenth caudal vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left third rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty tenth thoracic vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty left fourth rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty third caudal vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right first rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty third cervical vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right second rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty third lumbar vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right third rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty third thoracic vertebra
Boneclaw.gif dusty right fourth rear claw Vertebra.gif dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra

External Links

  • JRSiebz has a Dusty Animal Bone javascript injection script, which will inventory your dusty bones and display the missing ones under the "Bone Bag" section of your KoL inventory.
  • There is a discussion on how many piles of bones you need to be likely you have them all.