Drippy shield

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drippy shield
drippy shield

You're like 99% certain that they just slapped a handle on the shell you brought them and now they're selling it back to you.

Type: off-hand item
Cannot be traded or discarded

Moderate protection from damage in The Drip

(In-game plural: drippy shields)
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Item number: 10452
Description ID: 727176523
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Drip Institute
Drip Institute Armory


  • The drippy shield reduces the damage dealt by drippy foes from around 30% of your max HP to around 20%. Equipping this and the drippy khakis together reduce the damage to around 15% of your max HP.


"10452" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.