Dreadsylvanian Woods

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Combat rate?
Dreadsylvanian Woods
Dv background.gif
Zone Num 338
Location Dreadsylvania
Unlocks Be in a clan that has opened Dreadsylvania
Recom Stat 500
Combat %  ?
ML 500/scaling
Terrain outdoor
Special Adventures
Lucky None
refreshedit data

The Dreadsylvanian Woods is one of the three primary zones in Dreadsylvania.

Combat Adventures

cold bugbear This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

cold werewolf This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

hot bugbear This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

hot werewolf This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

sleaze bugbear This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

sleaze werewolf This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

spooky bugbear This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

spooky werewolf This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

stench bugbear This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

stench werewolf This monster is a Beast -- (edit metadata)

Non-combat Adventures

The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods
The Cabin in the Dreadsylvanian Woods
  • Check out the kitchen:
  • Raid the spice rack: Gain dread tarragon.
  • Screw around with the floor mill: Convert old dry bone to bone flour (Muscle only)
  • Clean out the disposal: Removes all stench monsters from the zone.
  • Back out: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
  • Go down to the basement:
  • Turn off the music box: Removes all spooky monsters from the zone. As an Accordion Thief, acquire intricate music box parts.
  • Check out the wolfsbane: Fewer Werewolves will appear in the zone.
  • Poke around in the rafters: Fewer Vampires will appear in the Dreadsylvanian Castle.
  • Look through the photo albums: Gain X Moxie

The Tallest Tree in the Forest
The Tallest Tree in the Forest
  • Climb to the Top: Only for muscle classes:
  • Stomp on the fruit branch: With another person at "Stand near the base looking upward", they get blood kiwi. Otherwise, remove this option from the noncombat. (once per instance)
  • Kick the nest: Removes all sleaze monsters from the zone.
  • Grab the shiny thing: Gain moon-amber (once per instance).
  • Climb back down: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
  • Wind up the siren: Fewer ghosts will appear in the zone.
  • Raid the footlocker: Gain 7-11 Freddy Kruegerands.
  • Lift the weights: Gain X muscle substats.
  • Root around at the base:
  • Stand near the base looking upward: If a Seal Clubber or Turtle Tamer is at "Climb to the Top" and chooses "Stomp on the Fruit Branch", gain blood kiwi. Otherwise, no adventure loss, with a choice to stop staring upward and return to "Root around at the base".
  • Stand near the base looking downward: Gain Dreadsylvanian seed pod.
  • Investigate the hole: Gain folder (owl). (You must have a Folder Holder equipped to receive this choice.)
  • Abandon the base: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
  • Use a ghost pencil: With a ghost pencil, add a shortcut to this non-combat to your Dreadsylvania map.
  • Leave (ha ha): Skip adventure

Below the Roots
Below the Roots
  • Go toward the heat:
  • Go toward the cold:
  • Read the heart a story: Removes all cold monsters from the zone.
  • Listen to the heart: Gain X mysticality substats.
  • Drink some of the green stuff: 100 turns of Nature's Bounty.
  • Go straight back from the heart: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
  • Go toward the smelly:
  • Smash the eggs: Fewer bugbears will appear in the zone.
  • Dig through the garbage : Gain 5-6 Freddy Kruegerands.
  • If already done:You dig through the trash, and verify by experimentation that it is indeed trash, and therefore worthless.
  • Flee the scene: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
  • Use a ghost pencil: With a ghost pencil, add a shortcut to this non-combat to your Dreadsylvania map.
  • Go back the way you came: Skip adventure

End of the Path
End of the Path
  • Enter the clearing: Enter combat against Falls-From-Sky or Great Wolf of the Air
  • Clear out: Skip adventure
  • Note: Available only after at least 1000 successful combats in zone.
  • Note: A one time adventure.

Already Occupied


  • When all 1000 enemies and the boss have been beaten, trying to adventure here will give you a message without costing a turn:
    • The forest is silent, those who stalked it having themselves been stalked.
  • Bugbears in this zone appear to have a hard damage cap for each type of damage (physical and all five elements), applied after damage is doubled for vulnerability, and which decreases depending on the number of extra kisses per combat:
    • 2 kisses: 333 damage
    • 3 kisses: 200 damage
    • 4 kisses: 140 damage
    • 5 kisses: 100 damage
    • 6 kisses: 75 damage
Advanced MechanicsThe Terrified Eagle InnShoppingNon-combat Table
Dreadsylvanian Woods
Great Wolf of the Air (Hard Mode)
Falls-From-Sky (Hard Mode)
Dreadsylvanian Village
Mayor Ghost (Hard Mode)
Zombie Homeowners' Association (Hard Mode)
Dreadsylvanian Castle
The Unkillable Skeleton (Hard Mode)
Count Drunkula (Hard Mode)