There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.
Combat rate?
Dreadsylvanian Castle is a zone in Dreadsylvania containing Skeletons and Vampires.
A primary stat of 500 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- This zone might be too tough for you.
(It is recommended that you have at least 500 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Combat Adventures
Non-combat Adventures
The Dreadsylvanian Dungeon
- Flush the toilet: Removes all spooky monsters from the zone.
- Do some pushups: Gain X Muscle substats.
- Take a nap: Restore X MP.
- Escape: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Head for the boiler room:
- Let off some steam: Removes all hot monsters from the zone.
- Check in the incinerator: Gain 5-6 Freddy Kruegerands.
- Relax in the furnace: Gain X to all substats.
- Be too cool for this room: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Break off some choice bits: Gain stinking agaricus (once per instance).
- Roll around in it: 100 turns of Spore-Wreathed.
- Leave the shroom: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
This Hall is Really Great
- Play the organ: Fewer vampires will appear in the zone.
- Trip the light fantastic: Gain X moxie substats. Also, with a muddy skirt equipped and a seed pod in inventory, gain weedy skirt (lose muddy skirt and seed pod).
- Bail: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Turn down the freezer: Removes all cold monsters from the zone.
- Hang out in the freezer: 100 turns of Staying Frosty.
- Get out of the kitchen: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Investigate the dining room:
- Grab the roast: Gain dreadful roast (once per instance).
- Clear the dishes: Removes all stench monsters from the zone.
- Levitate up to the rafters: Gain wax banana (once per instance, myst classes only).
- No thanks, I'll eat somewhere else: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Use a ghost pencil: With a ghost pencil, add a shortcut to this non-combat to your Dreadsylvania map.
- Great haul ass out of here: Skip adventure
Tower Most Tall
- Read "Bone-Dissolving Incantations: A Treatise": Fewer skeletons will appear in the zone.
- Read "Amazing Ancient Mystical Secrets": Gain X mysticality substats.
- Read "Enchanted Jewelry, Then and Now": Learn crafting recipe for moon-amber necklace.
- Read the exit sign and follow it: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- Shut the parrot up: Removes all sleaze monsters from the zone.
- Check the dresser: Gain 5-6 Freddy Kruegerands.
- Turn on the magic fingers 100 turns of Magically Fingered.
- Bid adieu to the bedroom: Return to previous selection, no adventure loss.
- When all 1000 enemies and the boss have been beaten, trying to adventure here will give you a message without costing a turn:
- Look upon this castle, ye mighty, and despair, because the king is dead, baby.