Doc Galaktik's Medicine Show

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Doc Galaktik's Medicine Show

Doc Galaktik's Medicine Show lies in the Market Square in Seaside Town.

Doc Galaktik

Hello, my friend, and welcome to Doc Galaktik's Medicine Show! We'll cure whatever ails you, and you can even take our patent medicines with you for those times when you find yourself in need of a little help in the wilderness. Satisfaction is guaranteed!

Before accepting the quest:

Doc Galaktik's eyes light up as you approach. "Say, my friend -- you look like a hale and hardy Adventurer! I don't suppose you'd care to assist me with a little problem I've got?"


Before completing the quest:

Doc Galaktik peers at you expectantly.

What did you need, again?

Items Sold

Item: Price:
Coughsyrup.gif Doc Galaktik's Vitality Serum
Sold after completing What's Up, Doc?
Meat.gif 40
Balm.gif Doc Galaktik's Pungent Unguent Meat.gif 30
Elixir.gif Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir Meat.gif 120
Poisoncup.gif anti-anti-antidote Meat.gif 30
Beerbottle.gif Doc Galaktik's Invigorating Tonic Meat.gif 90


Unsurprisingly, Doc Galaktik has packed up his cart and headed for the hills, leaving behind an empty lot.
You approach Doc's wagon, but what you took to be Doc himself is just a mannequin. Looks like he decided to duck and cover.


  • The Medicine Show was revamped on April 21, 2015, introducing the Vitality Serum and Invigorating Tonic, as well as making the quest an introductory one. See the previous version.


  • The traveling medicine show was common in early America. A slick, fast-talking, entertaining salesman would present a show to demonstrate the effectiveness of various elixirs, tonics, and cure-alls. These were done from the back of the salesman's cart, as these frauds had to be able to move out of one town and on to the next without delay.
  • Doc Galaktik is a real-life friend of Jick's.

See Also