Divine cracker

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divine cracker
divine cracker

This is not a honky deity, nor some immortal Gaijin. It's one of those weird British exploding paper tube things.

Type: combat item
Cannot be discarded

Steals an item from your enemy

(In-game plural: divine crackers)
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Item number: 3122
Description ID: 658639606
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Summon Party Favor

When Used

You pull the ends of the cracker, and it makes a loud noise. Your opponent looks a little shaken up.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 10-15
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 10-15
Looks like there wasn't even a toy inside the cracker -- what a crappy party favor!
You pull the ends of the cracker, and it makes a loud noise. Your opponent looks a little shaken up.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 10-15
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 10-15
And hey, it looks like the cracker had a prize inside it! Or maybe this thing just got knocked loose from your opponent by the force of the sound. It's hard to tell.
SomethingYou acquire... something. [[Data:{{{item}}}]]


  • Has a chance of stealing an item from the monster, using the same rules as pickpocket but with an intrinsic +60% item drop bonus.
  • Pickpocket-only items cannot be stolen with this.
  • Only one item can be stolen per combat, even with multiple crackers.


  • "Cracker" and "honky" are derogatory terms for Caucasians. Gaijin is Japanese for "foreigner", sometimes used with negative connotations.

See Also


"3122" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Summoned Party Favors
divine noisemaker Muscle-based damage and stats
divine can of silly string Myst-based damage and stats
divine blowout Moxie-based damage and stats
divine champagne flute Add MP gain to booze
divine champagne popper Banish monster for 5 turns
Run Away (no adventure loss)
divine cracker Pickpocket and delevel enemy