divine can of silly string
This is a spray can of some sort of foamable resinous composition, plucked straight from the divine aether. When you depress the nozzle, a big blast of "string" comes out, if your definition of "string" includes a creepy clamminess and an abject uselessness as actual string.
Type: combat item Cannot be discardedDeals Physical Damage based on your Mysticality Makes you smarter when you use it (In-game plural: divine cans of silly string) | |
Obtained From
- Skills
- Summon Party Favor
When Used
You unload the can of silly string in your opponents' faces, dealing X points of moist, clammy damage. You accidentally inhale some of the fumes from the propellant, and they make you feel a little lightheaded for a few seconds.
- X is equal to buffed Mysticality.
- Y is equal to the square root of X rounded up, but is capped at 23.
- Item was previously called "Can of divine silly string," followed by "Divine can silly string," a typo of the current name.
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