Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure
From TheKolWiki
Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure is only one of three great destinations of The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency. All trips cost three adventures and 500 meat, and all substat gains here are Muscle gains. In addition, you receive a Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip.
Bang! | |
Give 'em Enough Rope | |
In the Desert | |
The Luckiest Vacation Ever | |
The Reckonin' | |
Roadblocker | |
Singin' the Same Old Song | |
The Tablecloths Have Turned | |
An Unladen Buzzard | |
Bringing a Fist to a Bar Fight | |
That Song is Super Weird Guys, Look it Up | |
Man Down at the Hoedown | |