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This is a rolled-up dishrag, soaked with hundred-year-old dishwater. You almost feel guilty about hitting anything with it. Almost.

Type: weapon (1-handed whip)
Damage: 2 - 4
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

+3 Stench Damage

(In-game plural: dishrags)
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Item number: 1775
Description ID: 783397834
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Haunted Kitchen
skullery maid


You remember your junior high P.E. class and snap <it> with your dishrag for X damage. BONK! SPLAT! WHACK!
You snap the dishrag, hitting <it> for X damage. You have a brief flashback to gym class, and that weird teacher who wanted to make really sure you all showered naked. KAPOW! WHAMMO! SMACK!

See Also


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