Disguises Delimit

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Disguises Delimit is the Fall 2018 special challenge path, introduced on August 15, 2018. This path adds variant rules and restrictions to an ascension run. Its description in The Bureau of Reincarnation reads "Everybody in the Kingdom is in disguise! Swap powerful masks with unidentified monsters!"


  • Standard restrictions applied while Disguises Delimit was the current challenge path. These restrictions were lifted on November 15, 2018.


  • Your adventure starts with Disguises Delimit.
    • The player acquires a Mr. Mask, which overlays their Avatar
  • Monsters have a mask overlaid on their images, which grants the monster bonuses depending on the type of mask.
  • Players may swap masks with monsters by using the combat skill Swap Mask (1 MP). The swapped mask will grant various benefits to the player, which can be checked by hovering your mouse above a mask.
  • The mask swapped onto the monster may grant that mask's bonuses to the monster. Most mask effects applied at the start of combat remain with the current monster for this combat, except for the protest mask.
  • All monsters of a given type will have the same mask at the start of combat, although which mask is worn will vary between players and Ascensions.
  • Council Quest Bosses wear masks of other bosses, with different introduction text to reflect the mask they wear in this path. Plan accordingly.
    • Ed the Undying may have a hockey mask, making fights into HP healing tests, as well as being costly for failure.
    • Your shadow always has a Mr. Mask, doubling its base HP and requiring 800 HP worth of healing to defeat (the other bonuses are irrelevant).
    • While the Naughty Sorceress has a pre-determined mask, her second and third forms will be random.
  • An Old Man, and therefore The Sea, is not available:
    That shack you saw on the main map was just a picture of a shack drawn on the ground.

  • The list of masks and their effects is shown in the table below:
Mask # Mask Name Mask Image Player Effect Monster Effect
1 Mr. Mask Mask1.png +1 Muscle Stats per Fight, +1 Mysticality Stats Per Fight, +1 Moxie Stats Per Fight Doubles base HP, Attack, and Defence, before applying bonus Monster Level. Does not double the base stats of scaling monsters, although giving a scaling monster a Mr. Mask will double its stats.
2 devil mask Mask2.png +50 Hot Damage, +50 Damage to Hot Spells Deals 20% of your maximum HP in hot damage every round (even if stunned or staggered, or if the mask is replaced), with the message:
The heat of your opponent's devil mask is making it really unpleasant to be near it.
HPYou lose some hit points. (hot damage)
3 protest mask Mask3.png +30 ML Blocks everything except basic attacks.
4 batmask Mask4.png Moxie +50 Inflicts 1 turn of Bat-Intimidated (-90% Moxie) at the start of combat, with the message:
You find your foe's batmask extremely intimidating.
Bat.gifYou acquire an effect: Bat-Intimidated
(duration: 1 Adventure)
5 punk mask Mask5.png Sublime Sleaze Resistance (+9) Deals 50% of the monster's Attack in sleaze damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
It recites some extremely filthy punk rock song lyrics at you.
HPYou lose some hit points. (sleaze damage)
6 hockey mask Mask6.png Weapon Damage +100% Deals 75% of your max HP in damage at start of combat, with the message:
It pulls a machete out of somewhere and cuts you nearly in half.
HPYou lose (75% of max HP) hit points.
7 bandit mask Mask7.png Monsters will be much less attracted to you (-10% Combat Frequency) Increases enemy Defence by 300%.
8 plague doctor mask Mask8.png Mysticality +50 Inflicts 10 turns of A Little Bit Poisoned (-5 and -30% to all attributes) at the start of combat, with the message:
He pulls out a syringe of nasty-looking green liquid and injects you with it.
Poison.gifYou acquire an effect: A Little Bit Poisoned
(duration: 10 Adventures)
9 robot mask Mask9.png Maximum MP +100% Drains roughly 25% (or all, if less) of your maximum MP when acting, with the message:
It shoots you with its eye-tech hi-beams.
MPYou lose some Mana Points.
10 skull mask Mask10.png +50 Spooky Damage, +50 Damage to Spooky Spells Deals 20% of your maximum HP in spooky damage every round (even if stunned or staggered, or if the mask is replaced), with the message:
That skull mask is extremely realistic. Frighteningly so.
HPYou lose some hit points. (spooky damage)
11 monkey mask Mask11.png +50 Stench Damage, +50 Damage to Stench Spells Deals 50% of the monster's Attack in stench damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
He grabs something off the ground and throws it at you. Wait a second... Is... Is that...? Ewwwwwwwww!
HPYou lose some hit points. (stench damage)
12 luchador mask Mask12.png Muscle +50 Inflicts 1 turn of Chokeheld (-90% Mysticality) at the start of combat, with the message:
Your foe puts you in an extremely tight chokehold for a couple of minutes.
Hand.gifYou acquire an effect: Chokeheld
(duration: 1 Adventure)
13 welding mask Mask13.png +5 Muscle Stats Per Fight Reflects spell damage, some spells still takes damage. NOTE - this damage reflection is retained even if the monster subsequently loses the welding mask!
14 ninja mask Mask14.png +300% Combat Initiative Always wins initiative.
15 snowman mask Mask15.png +50 Cold Damage, +50 Damage to Cold Spells Deals 50% of the monster's Attack in cold damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
It grabs a snowball out of its mask and hurls it at you.
HPYou lose some hit points. (cold damage)
16 gasmask Mask16.png Sublime Stench Resistance (+9) Deals 50% of the monster's Attack in physical damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
It finds an antique grenade somewhere and throws it at you.
HPYou lose some hit points.
17 fencing mask Mask17.png 50 Damage Reduction, Damage Absorption +200 Damage against monster is reduced to 10% of its value. NOTE - this damage reduction is retained even if the monster subsequently loses the fencing mask!
18 opera mask Mask18.png Spell Damage +200% Increases enemy Attack by 300%.
19 scary mask Mask19.png Sublime Spooky Resistance (+9) Deals 50% of the monster's Attack in spooky damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
It vanishes for a while, then sneaks up behind you and scares the crap out of you.
HPYou lose some hit points. (spooky damage)
20 alien mask Mask20.png Regenerate 15-20 HP per adventure Heals 50% of their max HP when acting.
21 murderer mask Mask21.png -3MP to Use Skills Attacks deal increased damage.
22 pumpkin mask Mask22.png +5 Mysticality Stats Per Fight Deals 33% of the monster's Attack in hot and 10% of the monster's Attack in spooky damage instead of using regular attacks, with the message:
The candle inside your opponent's mask flares up. Wait a minute. How is there a candle in there?
HPYou lose some hit points. (hot damage)
HPYou lose some hit points. (spooky damage)
23 rabbit mask Mask23.png +5 Moxie Stats Per Fight Gains immunity to stuns and staggers.
24 ski mask Mask24.png Sublime Cold Resistance (+9) Deals 20% of your maximum HP in cold damage every round (even if stunned or staggered, or if the mask is replaced), with the message:
Your foe's frosty breath chills you to the bone.
HPYou lose some hit points. (cold damage)
25 tiki mask Mask25.png Maximum HP +200% Gains a damage cap of 10 per source, even if its original damage cap would make it take less than 10. NOTE - this hard cap is retained even if the monster subsequently loses the tiki mask!
26 motorcycle mask Mask26.png Muscle+50, +5 Muscle Stats Per Fight Worn by bikers at The Neverending Party
Reduces physical damage by 50%.
27 magical cartoon princess mask Mask27.png Mysticality +50, +5 Mysticality Stats Per Fight Worn by "plain" girls at The Neverending Party
28 catcher's mask Mask28.png Damage Absorption +100, 25 Damage Reduction, Serious Hot Resistance (+3), Serious Cold Resistance (+3), Serious Stench Resistance (+3), Serious Spooky Resistance (+3), Serious Sleaze Resistance (+3) Worn by jocks at The Neverending Party
29 "sexy" mask Mask29.png Moxie +50, +5 Moxie Stats Per Fight Worn by party girls at The Neverending Party
Deals 33% of your maximum HP in sleaze damage every round (even if stunned or staggered, or if the mask is replaced), with the message:
That mask is just so... tacky.
HPYou lose some hit points. (sleaze damage)
30 werewolf mask Mask30.png Weapon Damage +100%, Muscle +30, Mysticality +30, Moxie+30 Worn by burnouts at The Neverending Party
Drains 50% of your max MP and deals roughly 75% of your max HP in damage at start of combat with the message:
He emits a brain-curdling howl, then bites most of your body off.
MPYou lose some Mana Points.
HPYou lose some hit points.
100 Bonerdagon mask Mask100.png Muscle +100%, Mysticality +100%, Moxie +100% Worn by the Boss Bat
This is the... skeletal dragon who runs the Bat Hole? I mean, dragons are basically just cold-blooded bats, so that makes sense.
101 Naughty Sorceress mask Mask101.png Spell Damage +300% Worn by the Knob Goblin King
Good gracious, the Naughty Sorceress has staged a coup and taken over Cobb's Knob! I guess since her plan to take over the whole Kingdom keeps getting foiled by adventurers, she's set her sights a little lower this time.
102 Groar's mask Mask102.png Stupendous (+4) Resistance to All Elements Worn by the Bonerdagon
As you enter the Haert of the Cyrpt, you hear a squawking roar, followed by a clearing throat, followed by a deep growly roar. A terrifying winged yeti rises from a pile of bones, flaps its wings, and advances toward you!
103 Ed the Undying mask Mask103.png Regenerate 40-50 HP per adventure Worn by Groar
You finally reach the summit of Mt. McLargeHuge, and start searching through the mists for the source of the mists. What you find instead is the source of the sudden startled feeling you get as a massive winged yeti-like creature startles you -- a massive winged yeti-like creature with a skull-like face and an Egyptian headdress.

"Uh, hi there," you say, attempting to buy some time while your brain processes what your eyes are showing it. "What's... what's up?"

"UNDARRRGH." growls the creature, answering your question and sending two chills down your spine: One metaphorical, because he's scary and about to attack you, and the other physical, because he also blasted you with a cloud of intensely cold mist when he roared.

I guess that answers the question of where the mists are coming from. And what you're going to be doing for the next few minutes.

104 Big Wisniewski mask Mask104.png +40 Sleaze Damage, +40 Damage to Sleaze Spells, +40 Stench Damage, +40 Damage to Stench Spells Worn by The Man
This guy used his hippy connections (various crafters of homemade beads and suppliers of "natural herbal remedies") to become a "legal" version of a mafia kingpin. He's the one pulling the strings behind the scenes, rubbing his sweaty, chubby hands together and laughing while he sips a White Canadian that costs more meat than an adventurer makes in a week.
Some call him a fat cat, call him a bigwig, but most just call him the Big Wisniewski, as in, uh, "Hey there the Big Wisniewski, what's happenin' man?"

Deals 200% of max HP in stench and sleaze damage each at the start of combat, with the message:
Before you can react, he grabs you by the shoulders and belches in your face. The combination of expensive caviar and cigar smoke is doubly nauseating.
HPYou lose some hit points. (stench damage)
HPYou lose some hit points. (sleaze damage)
105 The Man mask Mask105.png +40 Sleaze Damage, +40 Damage to Sleaze Spells, +40 Stench Damage, +40 Damage to Stench Spells Worn by The Big Wisniewski
This guy, known mostly by his nickname, "The Man," is the very embodiment of late-stage capitalism. He has enough money that he doesn't have to do anything to continue making more of it, and consequently never showers, wears a bathrobe and pajama pants most of the time, and generally spends his days in a terrible-smelling fog brought on by extremely expensive cigars.

Deals 200% of max HP in stench and sleaze damage each at the start of combat, with the message:
Before you can react, he grabs you by the shoulders and belches in your face. The combination of expensive caviar and cigar smoke is doubly nauseating.
HPYou lose some hit points. (stench damage)
HPYou lose some hit points. (sleaze damage)
106 Boss Bat mask Mask106.png Weapon Damage +100%, Maximum HP +100% Worn by the Naughty Sorceress (first form)

You burst into the final room in the Naugh-- I mean, the Boss Bat's lair. There, perched on a huge black throne on a huge black dais, is the Bat Herself. Nothing could have prepared you for how... ridiculous she looks. You barely manage not to laugh when you see her.

"I can't believe I let them talk me into doing this," she complains, with her fists on her hips.

"Aw, relax," you say. "Live a little! It's all in good fun. Nobody's gonna dock you cool points for acting like a goofball when everybody else is too."

"I don't even know what a boss bat does."

"It kinda... squeaks real loud? And flaps around."

She sighs. "Fine. Squeak squeak, flap flap. I'm still gonna shoot paisleys at you and turn into a gross monster."

"Sure, that's fair."

Welding Mask

Welding mask reflects back spell damage. Some spells still deal damage to the enemy while others do not.

Confirmed to still deal damage

Confirmed to not deal damage

Bear Verb Orgy

Bear Verb Orgy will fail to unlock when some masks are worn by Naughty Sorceress (3). It will simply fail to advance the quest to the next stage. The naughty sorceress only has a fixed mask for her first form. Her 2nd and 3rd form will have a random mask.

Masks confirmed to fail to unlock Bear Verb Orgy:

  • scary mask

Masks confirmed to successfully unlock Bear Verb Orgy:

  • devil mask

Since scary mask is one of the masks that replaces the monster's normal messages with a custom attack message (which does not prevent her 3rd form from insta killing you), it is likely that all masks which have "instead of using regular attacks" in their description do this. But this needs spading still


  • Maskball.gif Swap Mask (1 MP) - A combat skill that exchanges the player's and monster's masks, usable multiple times per combat.


See The Council of Loathing/Disguises Delimit


  • For the most part, there is significant freedom to whatever astral consumable or equipment that you wish to choose.
  • Moon Signs confer their full usage and utilities, particularly the Knoll signs, which helps in the building of a bitchin' meatcar and easily acquiring a frilly skirt for the pirates.
  • Classes have a wide range of functionality but some classes help in certain areas better than others.
Class Pros Cons
  • High Muscle allows Muscle classes to attack normally without fear of spell reflection or the inability to use skills.
  • Can survive longer in fights involving elemental damage due to increased HP.
  • Seal Clubber can use Smacks with elemental damage to bypass high defense monsters.
  • High Defense monsters (e.g. monsters wearing bandit masks) can cripple Muscle classes.
  • Muscle classes may have a hard time healing between fights due to increased HP.
  • Have trouble surviving elemental attacks from The Man and the Big Wisniewski.
  • Higher maximum HP makes hockey masks dangerous in chained fights.
  • Can survive longer in fights involving elemental damage due to innate elemental resistance.
  • Surviving The Man's or the Big Wisniewski's elemental attacks only require level 10 resistance to stench and sleaze as opposed to level 11.
  • Low Muscle and Moxie can make fights harder for fights that reflect spells or prevent the usage of skills.
  • Suffers from Chokeheld the most.
  • MP draining attacks from robot masks may cause the player to resort to melee or ranged attacks.
  • High Moxie allows Moxie classes to attack normally without fear of getting hit or inability to use skills.
  • Ninja mask may allow you to pickpocket against monsters while also cranking ML.
  • High Attack or Defence monsters (e.g. monsters wearing bandit or opera masks) can cripple Moxie classes.
  • Have trouble surviving elemental attacks from the Man and the Big Wisniewski.
  • May have trouble surviving elemental auras from masks (e.g. devil mask).
  • May not have chances to pickpocket due to increased initiative (e.g. from the ninja mask).
  • Suffers from Bat-Intimidated the most.
  • The Retrieve Yossarian's Tools sidequest will be more difficult than usual, for many masks replace the monster's usual combat messages, which will override the key tool-dropping messages that advance the quest. Using Swap Mask strategically is key here. However, the form of monster with the molybdenum tools may have a different mask than the monsters which do not have the tools, and could easily be banished.
  • Different masks will affect combats in different ways, so having multiple combat strategies available is key.
    • The protest mask effectively eliminates skill-based combat strategies; be sure that you can fight the monster using basic attacks.
      • The only other thing you can do other than attack is to use Swap Mask, although after you do, you will only be able to attack or use combat items. This is relevant for Gremlin fights, Wall fights, and some other fights.
    • The hockey mask requires that you remain healed to at least 85% of max hit points, or you will risk losing the fight before it even begins. Perming Cannelloni Cocoon is highly recommended to deal with this.
    • The Mr. Mask and bandit both make it much harder to deal damage with regular attacks without significant muscle / moxie bonuses. Abilities that automatically hit, or spells, are recommended.
    • Some masks that are best overcome with a single, powerful hit are the opera mask, alien mask and murderer mask.
    • The tiki mask requires multiple sources of damage to overcome; Prismatic Damage is especially effective for this.
    • When entering a new area for quest progression, all possible outcomes have to be prepared for. Once what masks are in the area are known, planning combat strategy is easier.
  • Learning the masks for a low level area, with few monsters (example: The Sleazy Back Alley) can be helpful if you have to re-acquire a useful mask that you've swapped out.
  • The biggest challenge of the run is likely fighting The Big Wisniewski or The Man, both of which have a mask that deals massive stench and sleaze damage at the start of the fight. 11 points of resistance in each element is needed to survive, or 10 if you are a Pastamancer or Sauceror. Players without many skills or IotMs may struggle with this.
  • The third Naughty Sorceress Quest Registration Desk test is completely trivial, if wearing the correct elemental damage mask (except there's no mask for +50 melee +50 spell Sleaze Damage.) Other beneficial masks can help with the initiative and stat tests.


  • Finishing a Disguises Delimit run that began while it was still the current special challenge path -- that is, between August 15th, 2018, and November 15th, 2018 -- gives players 100 (in Hardcore) or 50 (in Normal) extra karma points the next time they visit Valhalla.
  • Players will receive a Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette each time they complete a run.
  • Players will unlock the option to wear cosmetic avatar masks outside the path, with the following message displayed after defeating the Naughty Sorceress:
Once you free Ralph, check your Avatar Menu to view the public mask you've unlocked.
  • 1 mask is unlocked for each normal ascension and 2 for each hardcore ascension. Masks are unlocked in order by number as listed in the table above, starting with Mr. Mask (#1) and ending at the tiki mask (#25).


  • The name of the path is a play on the saying "the sky's the limit".
Ascension Paths
Bowl.gif Martini.gif Smalloxy.gif
Teetotaler Boozetafarian Oxygenarian
Special Challenge Paths
Spring Summer Fall Winter
2011 Hardcorex.gif
Bees Hate You
Wosp fist.gif
Way of the Surprising Fist
2012 Trusty.gif
Avatar of Boris
Bugbear Invasion
Zombie Slayer
Class Act
2013 Path12icon.gif
Avatar of Jarlsberg
Class Act II: A Class For Pigs
2014 Bigglasses.gif
Avatar of Sneaky Pete
Slow and Steady
Heavy Rains
2015 Scarab.gif
Actually Ed the Undying
One Crazy Random Summer
Community Service
2016 Badge.gif
Avatar of West of Loathing
Ss datasiphon.gif
The Source
Nuclear Autumn
2017 Gcube.gif
Gelatinous Noob
License to Adventure
Live. Ascend. Repeat.
2018 Spiritorb.gif
Pocket Familiars
Dd icon.gif
Disguises Delimit
2019 Darkgift.gif
Dark Gyffte
Two Crazy Random Summer
Kingdom of Exploathing
2020 Mario mushroom1.gif
Path of the Plumber
Low Key Summer
Grey Goo
2021 Robobattery.gif
You, Robot
Quantum Terrarium
2022 Greygooring.gif
Grey You
Fall of the Dinosaurs
2023 Aosol.gif
Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing
Xx small.gif
Legacy of Loathing
A Shrunken Adventurer Am I
2024 Intrinsic beast.gif
11 Things I Hate About U
Avant Guard
2025 Zootomistitem.gif
Z is for Zootomist