Discoveries (or recipes) were added to the game on September 24th, 2008, when the entire crafting interface was updated. Players can now go to the crafting menu and choose "Discoveries" to see a list of items previously made by that account. By using Discoveries, it allows for faster creation of items, jewelry, food, and booze. Also, if a character creates enough in each category, then trophies are available.
To view how many recipes that a character has, a player can choose 'quests' from the top menu to go to your Quest Log, and then choose 'other accomplishments' to see a total number for each category.
Currently, Discoveries are categorized into 5 main categories:
- Meat-Pasting recipes - known recipes (trophy at 69)
- Cooking recipes - known recipes (trophies at 50, 100, 150)
- Meatsmithing recipes - known recipes (trophies at 50, 100, 150)
- Cocktailcrafting recipes - known recipes (trophies at 20, 50, 100)
- Miscellaneous recipes- known recipes (trophy at 50)
This makes for a maximum discovery score of .
Secret Recipes
Some recipes in the kingdom are secret; you cannot craft them without seeing detailed instructions first.
- white chocolate chip brownies discovered from mother's secret recipe
- concoction of clumsiness discovered from the fumble formula
- floaty rock pants, floaty rock helmet, and floaty rock necklace can be learned from crystallized memory (though it requires one for each)
- slap and slap again discovered from slap and slap again recipe
- fettucini épines Inconnu discovered from fettucini épines Inconnu recipe
- depleted Grimacite hammer discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite hammer
- depleted Grimacite gravy boat discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite gravy boat
- depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt
- depleted Grimacite grappling hook discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite grappling hook
- depleted Grimacite ninja mask discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite ninja mask
- depleted Grimacite shinguards discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite shinguards
- depleted Grimacite astrolabe discovered from the plans for depleted Grimacite astrolabe
- Amazing Ideas discovered while taking a hot shower in the April Shower
- Clustercocktails, Clusterbaking, and Clusterbombs (5 of each) are learned with the Dreadsylvanian Almanac pages
- moon-amber necklace discovered from the appropriate non-combat
- Recipes of Before Yore from the Cookbookbat
- All discoveries, even secret ones, are remembered in all future ascensions, including Bad Moon.
- An unused Discovery category (One-time only) was revealed during the fifth Twitch Livestream World Event.
- Jewelrycrafting recipes were listed separately until a Tuesday update on June 16, 2015, changed how jewelry was made.