Disco Eye-Poke

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Disco Eye-Poke

Disco Eye-Poke

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 2
usable once per fight

In the course of your disco dancing, you can poke your opponent in the eye (or eye analogue,) doing a small amount of damage and throwing your opponent off guard.

Damage and weakens opponent

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 125 Meat
Class: Disco Bandit
Level: 1
Effect: Deals 1-3 damage and lowers monster level by 2.
When Used:
When used with no Disco Momentum:

You poke your opponent in the eye. It does 1-3 damage, and causes some confusion.
You put some boogie in your butt, then put your finger in your opponent's eye, confusing it and doing 1-3 damage.
You turn your opponent into a disco pirate by poking it in the eye for 1-3 damage. It shouts "ARRRR!" and hops about, confused.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 2
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 2

When used with 1 point of Disco Momentum:
Your opponent fails to demonstrate the fine art of stayin' alive, or at least not getting poked in the eye, taking a finger to the retina for 2-4 damage.
You do a stylish disco spin, and then stylishly scrape the back of your opponent's skull with a vicious eye-poke, for 2-4 damage.
You point at the ground, and then at the sky, and then at the ground, and then at the sky, and then at the ground, and then at the back of your opponent's eyeball, dealing 2-4 damage.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 3
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 3

When used with 2 points of Disco Momentum:
You rock into the next part of your disco onslaught. This time, you prove that you're bad, and that your opponent should beat it, but jabbing him in the eye for 3-5 damage.
Your disco destruction has gone on long enough, so you show your opponent that you want to be endin' something, by jabbing <her> in the eye for 3-5 damage.
Continuing your relentless disco onslaught, you whirl around and jab your opponent in the eye, just like they did in the 70s. It deals 3-5 damage, just like it did in the 70s.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 4
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 4

When used with 3 points of Disco Momentum:
You drop onto your stomach, do the Worm for a couple of beats, then pop up with a devastating eye-jab that does 4-6 damage.
You throw your hands up for a triumphant end-of-fight freeze-frame, lodging your finger deep inside your opponent's eye socket for 4-6 damage.
You slide across the floor on your knees, popping up to deliver a fierce eye-poking to your foe. It was all fun and games until you dealt 4-6 damage.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 5
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 5



  • Prior to the Disco Bandit skill revamp on October 21, 2013, this skill cost 3 MP and could be used an unlimited times per fight. Its sole original attack message was:
You poke your opponent in the eye. It does 1-3 damage, and causes some confusion.

See Also