Disco Dance of Doom

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Disco Dance of Doom

Disco Dance of Doom

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 3
usable once per fight

You can bust a disco move all up out the joint, damaging your opponent all the while.

Deals damage and weakens opponent

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 250 Meat
Class: Disco Bandit
Level: 2
Effect: Deals 6-8 damage and lowers monster level by 3.
When Used:
When used with no Disco Momentum:

You bust into the Electric Slide, sliding up to your opponent and poking <her> for 6-8 damage, almost knocking <her> off <her> feet.
You bust some moves like a Dancing Queen, only instead of young and sweet, you're a grizzled adventurer hitting for 6-8 damage, throwing your opponent off balance.
You disco dance all up out the joint. In the process, you elbow your opponent for 6-8 damage, and leave <him> reeling.
You get down, get down tonight, and while you're down you hit your opponent for 6-8 damage, striking <him> in a particularly debilitating area.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 3
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 3

When used with 1 point of Disco Momentum:
You continue to disco dance, this time kicking it old-school. And also kicking your opponent in the knees for 10-12 damage.
You dance like a Dancing Queen, but one of those queens who mowed down heretics with a sword, hitting <him> for 10-12 damage.
You up the voltage on your Electric Slide, breaking through your opponent's resistance and shocking <it> for 10-12 damage.
You up the hustle on your Hustle, spinning like a disco demon and hitting your opponents for 10-12 damage.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 7
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 7

When used with 2 points of Disco Momentum:
You end your routine with a devastating Electric Slide, kicking your opponent in the shins with every flawless turn, doing 14-16 damage.
You end your routine with a high-energy Hustle, sweeping your opponent's legs from beneath <them> at the end for 14-16 damage.
You finish up by bopping around like a Dancing Queen, a queen of carnage and blood, viciously assaulting <him> for 14-16 damage.
You wrap up your routine by getting back to basics -- the basics of old-school disco dancing, and the basics of punching your opponent in the stomach, dealing 14-16 damage.

Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by 11
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by 11



  • Prior to the Disco Bandit skill revamp on October 21, 2013, this skill cost 5 MP and could be used an unlimited times per fight. It was used as a part of Disco Combos. Its attack message was formerly:
You disco dance all up out the joint. In the process, you hit your opponent for 6-8 damage, and leave <him> reeling.
  • Prior to the revamp, this skill used to hit up to two enemies when fighting Group Monsters and its damage and deleveling effects were doubled. The accompanying message became:
You disco dance all up out the joint. In the process, you elbow <two/both> of them for X damage, and leave them reeling.

See Also