Dis in a Jif

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The purpose of this page is to give a quick overview of The Suburbs of Dis and an explanation of the unnamed quest that you can find within it.


Each regular encounter in a zone can drop 1-2 of a combat item available from each monster in the zone, as well as another item unique to that monster.

Zone Monster Combat Item Secondary Item Effect
The Clumsiness Grove
Sorrowful Hickory clumsiness bark cup of hickory chicory MP restorer
Suffering Juniper berries of suffering good quality food
Tormented Baobab baobab sap +20% muscle substat gain
Whimpering Willow whimpering willow bark HP restorer
Woeful Magnolia magnolia blossom HP & MP restorer
The Maelstrom of Lovers
Bettie Barulio jar full of wind Barulio's bottle good quality booze
Marcus Macurgeon purple prose pen Chat effect
Marvin J. Sunny Marvin's marvelous pill +20% Moxie substat gain
Mortimer Strauss Mortimer's nostrum +100% equipment drops
Wonderful Winifred Wongle Winifred's whistle ends combat
The Glacier of Jerks
Brock "Rocky" Flox dangerous jerkcicle pink-belly slapper in-combat HP restorer
Dolores D. Smiley desktop zen garden +20% Mysticality substat gain
Hugo Von Douchington half-empty carton of milk deals stench damage
Vivian Vibrian Vumian Varr Vivian's Vitamin extends buffs
Wacky Zack Flacky glass of warm water chat effect

Using Torment Plant increases clumsiness bark drops. Using Pinch Ghost increases jar full of wind drops. Using Tattle increases dangerous jerkcicle drops.


Each zone has two demon sub-bosses. You must choose to approach them in their zone's non-combat adventures before they will be available as a combat adventure.

Most demons appear to have 10,000 HP and high damage resistance that will drop most damage to single digits. Use the combat items dropped by all of the monsters in the zone to inflict more damage. Item damage increases like the V for Vivala mask do not appear to work.

Zone Demon Stone Special Attack Notes
The Clumsiness Grove The Thorax Sstone furious.gif furious stone Super-powerful punch with a 1 round windup Use 1 piece of clumsiness bark when he rears back to punch.
The Bat in the Spats Sstone vanity.gif vanity stone Blocks skill use and non-critical weapon attacks Clumsiness bark will deal 1,000 damage per use.
The Maelstrom of Lovers The Terrible Pinch Sstone lecherous.gif lecherous stone Summons a shield to block damage and heal Use a jar full of wind to dispel his shield, appears to take uncapped damage

(Alternate between jar full of wind and attacking)

Thug 1 and Thug 2 Sstone jealousy.gif jealousy stone  ??? Use a jar full of wind to deal 100 damage per use.
The Glacier of Jerks Mammon the Elephant Sstone avarice.gif avarice stone deals progressively more damage on successful hit use a dangerous jerkcicle 6 times
The Large-Bellied Snitch Sstone glutton.gif gluttonous stone Belly flops for tons of damage using dangerous jerkcicles increase the number of jerkcicles on the ground, when he performs a special attack (bellyflop) he takes 500 damage per jerkcicle on the ground (max 5000 @ 10 jerkcicles, jerkcicles aren't broken)

An Altar

An Altar is in the center of the the Suburbs of Dis. In order to make use of it, you must gather stones from the surrounding zones and demonic minibosses.

Once each ascension, using the Altar with all 6 of the demon stones will let you fight The Thing with No Name who can drop:

11? or fewer combats 25 or fewer combats 26-50 combats 51-75 combats 76 or more combats
5 consumables 4 consumables 3 consumables 2 consumables 1 consumable


After defeating The Thing with No Name, you can return to the Altar and use two of the six demon stones to get 100 turns of a specific effect. Most of these effects scale with drunkenness, fullness, or your outfit. See the effect pages for more information.

Stone 1 Stone 2 Yield Effect
Sstone glutton.gif
gluttonous stone
Sstone jealousy.gif
jealousy stone
Voracious Gorging Bonus item drops and food drops, based on fullness.
Sstone glutton.gif
gluttonous stone
Sstone furious.gif
furious stone
Sated and Furious Bonus weapon and spell damage, based on fullness.
Sstone lecherous.gif
lecherous stone
Sstone avarice.gif
avarice stone
Amorous Avarice Bonus meat drop, based on drunkenness.
Sstone lecherous.gif
lecherous stone
Sstone vanity.gif
vanity stone
Inebriate Pride Increases stat gains from fights, based on drunkenness.
Sstone vanity.gif
vanity stone
Sstone furious.gif
furious stone
Vanity Rage Bonus weapon and spell damage, based on armor and shield power
Sstone jealousy.gif
jealousy stone
Sstone avarice.gif
avarice stone
Covetous Robbery Increases monsters' base meat drop. Increase is greater for monsters with lower bases.
